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  • Thread Starter giancarlo.francesconi


    I think problem is here, but I don’t know how to solve.

    I tried to remove this part in functions.php (IE js header):
    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘alx_ie_js_header’ );

    Now, in IE, pages load but style is load no correctly (background, sidebar posizion and size…)

    I’ve been testing around a bit and I am experiencing weird inconsistencies. The theme demo site goes blank for me, yet on my local setups they show fine. No apparent difference between the setups or plugins. So, I haven’t got a solution to share yet. I have a github issue running on it here.

    Thread Starter giancarlo.francesconi


    I think i found problem (and solution i hope).
    The problem is selectivizr.js. In fact, when using a font-face CSS definition, selectivizr has a bug that returns blank page (even if content is loaded) on ie8.
    Try look at this:
    I tryed to move the @font-face declarations in header.php, but no success.
    For me workaround is to comment @font-face declarations in style.css, but unfortunately i only see Arial font (lesser evil for me).
    Please tell me what you think about it.thx

    I fully agree ! ??

    I had the same problem, solved by 2 steps:

    (1) move @font-face from function.php to the opening of <head>.

    (2) remove this line in function.php: wp_enqueue_style( ‘font-awesome’, get_template_directory_uri().’/fonts/font-awesome.min.css’ ). Include style ‘font-awesome’ also directly after the opening of <head>.

    I’m having the same problem and could not solve with these suggestions. Even I can not even View displays the demo page.

    Is this issue in native IE installations or in a IE Tester program?

    If it’s in native IE, try go to Theme Options > Styling > Font and select a font that isn’t self-hosted. If that doesn’t work, try Arial as well.

    (Make sure styling options are turned ON at the top of the styling page)

    Hi, Alexander

    If it’s in native IE, try go to Theme Options > Styling > Font and select a font that isn’t self-hosted. If that doesn’t work, try Arial as well.

    I did this and have not worked =/

    Make sure styling options are turned ON at the top of the styling page

    Yes. Are connected.

    If I remove all files solves @font-face?

    Yeah, try that as next step – removing the whole @font-face section from the parent theme’s style.css.

    Set the font as Arial while testing – so that it’s not Google fonts affecting it either.

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