• We’re currently using the plugin on a lot of different sites – and for some reason, they are all experiencing the same problem after the last update. the ones with WP-Rocket or other cache plugins are having issues with exporting data. (But are having no other issues)

    Error: “There was a problem with your request. Please try again later.”
    Action: “Download my Data”
    When: Both while logged in, and while requesting by email.

    View post on imgur.com

    We tested everything pre 2.0 upgrade and the export and close-account workeded fine (Even with WP Rocket etc.)

    A few of the links:

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  • Thread Starter Patrick Thagaard


    The WP-Rocket issue is just an assumption. Its the only comming thing between them – but if noone else is having the issue, ill dig into in a few hours and disable the caching and re-test.

    Plugin Author Fernando Claussen


    This error happens when the email fails to send.

    if ( GDPR_Email::send(
    		) ) {
    			wp_send_json_success( array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Email confirmation', 'gdpr' ), 'content' => esc_html__( 'We\'ve sent you a confirmation email.', 'gdpr' ) ) );
    		} else {
    			wp_send_json_error( array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Error!', 'gdpr' ), 'content' => esc_html__( 'There was a problem with your request. Please try again later.', 'gdpr' ) ) );

    This works for my test here.
    Some users reported an issue with SMTP plugins. Do you have one of those?

    Thread Starter Patrick Thagaard


    No SMTP plugins, using default WP mailing setup.

    Also WP Rocket had nothing to do with it either.

    Both running on different hosts.

    (Worked on both sites prior to update 2.0 – no new plugins since GDPR was installed)

    Will keep digging.

    Thread Starter Patrick Thagaard


    I’ll give the update a try and report back.

    Thread Starter Patrick Thagaard


    2.0.6 – same issue on the 2 sites.

    Not sure what could be clashing. (Especially when we have 13 other sites running your GDPR plugin more than succesfully…!)

    The plugin-list for the “duplicates” between the sites is:

    Really Simple SSL
    Delete Me

    As for the obvious WP-Rocket, i tried disabling it without any positive result.

    Same problem here. E-Mail is being send to the user but content is blank.

    I′m using Mailster to send emails: https://codecanyon.net/item/mailster-email-newsletter-plugin-for-wordpress/3078294
    Mailster is set to use the template for all emails send by WordPress – works fine with all other plugins (e.x.: BuddyPress, Formidable).

    Plugin version: 2.0.6

    I’m still getting rror: “There was a problem with your request. Please try again later.”

    I’ve deactivated any Jetpack plugin for caching and the plugin that changes the default wordpress sending address.


    I have exactly the same problem on 2 sites. It’s the first time I install this plugin (v2.0.6).

    Not error in file, only a popup with written: There was a problem with your request. Please try again later.


    I have found the issue. The problem is when it tries to send the email (class GDPR_email). The plugin uses the function get_do_not_reply_address (file includes/class-gdpr-email.php) to generate a noreply address:

    private static function get_do_not_reply_address() {
    	  $sitename = strtolower( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
        if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) === 'www.' ) {
    			$sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 );
    	  return apply_filters( 'gdpr_do_not_reply_address', 'noreply@' . $sitename );

    The problem is that I run wordpress with docker and the SERVER_NAME, for me, is wordpress. So the generated email is noreply@wordpress. But because this address does not exist it raises an error.

    What I have done: I have added a filter to force the noreply address in my functions.php:

    function my_gdpr_do_not_reply_address() {
       return '[email protected]';
    add_filter( 'gdpr_do_not_reply_address', 'my_gdpr_do_not_reply_address', 99 );

    Now I can receive emails !!!

    Last think, my email plugin is Mail Bank.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by jocloud.


    I tried this solution but it did not help. The email send to the user still has no content. The template is applied – so the email has a design (header / footer), just the content section is blank.

    Does the plugin send the text as plain text or html? I think the newsletter plugin will only use the plain text part – so if this is empty this might be the reason why (just an idea).

    Plugin Author Fernando Claussen


    Nice @jocloud

    We send it as plain text.
    Which email is not adding content? All of them? One in particular?

    Hi @fclaussen

    I′ve verified this again to be sure a minute ago: All 4 options (delete, rectify, complaint & export-data) don′t work. The sender is fine (specified in function my_gdpr_do_not_reply_address()) but the content of the emails are blank.

    If you don′t have Mailster – I′ll pay the bill for testing. Just let me know…

    Adding this code in fuctions.php did nothing for me.

    Thread Starter Patrick Thagaard



    Okay, so we found the issue in our case with not sending emails at all.

    Some of the hosts here dont allow custom email clients to send from the servers – im sure its a safety thing.

    Some are whitelisted like “wordpress@” along with all emails that are created within the host itself.

    So id’ suggest using the wordpress@ as sender or the default wordpress email adress, since im sure a multitude of people will have this issue depending on email security (One.com and Unoeuro to name a few – depending on setup)

    function my_gdpr_do_not_reply_address() {
       return '[email protected]';
    add_filter( 'gdpr_do_not_reply_address', 'my_gdpr_do_not_reply_address', 99 );

    Works fine for our issue. Can be sub’d with any added or whitelisted email depending on host. (noreply, test etc. wont work by default)

    Plugin Author Fernando Claussen


    I need to run some tests with this email issue.
    I have a possible solution but I need to verify that it works since I can’t reproduce it here.

    To those who want to help test possible solutions, please join me on slack so we can coordinate a little better: https://join.slack.com/t/gdpr-wp/shared_invite/enQtMzcxOTc3NTAxMTM4LWFkNmEzZTU3ZWY3YTlhYmVlNjNkZmFhN2Y0ZjQ3OGMzN2U3ZmFhMmQ2NjM5ZDRiMjAwOTNlODNiODJmNzdjOWU

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