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  • I’m getting the same issue, any solutions?
    Notice: date_default_timezone_set() []: Timezone ID ” is invalid in /usr/www/users/fredf/myvancity/wp-content/plugins/enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php on line 148

    UPDATE: I’ve been able to resolve this on my instance by logging into General Settings and specifying a timezone. Seems to be an issue with a default install of WordPress, not sure why the default throws the issue.
    But in my searching it frowned upon the use of the date_default_timezone_set() method:

    Hope this is helpful to you truptig until they can update the plugin to change the method used or accommodate default install with unset or UTC+0 timezone setting.

    I’ll take a look at this and address it in the next update.

    In my case the date is shown like this :

    Revised: 01/01/1970 00:00

    Is it coming from my server ? How to get the correct date ?

    Thank you.

    Hi @rely28,
    Have you specified a timezone in your General Settings (/wp-admin/options-general.php), this seemed to have corrected it for my instance.

    Hi myvancity
    Unfortunately the timezone is already set, in the options-general.php i’ve got this (which I guess is the same for everyone) :

    $timezone_format = _x('Y-m-d G:i:s', 'timezone date format');

    Any clue ?

    Hi @rely28,
    Sorry I didn’t mean the actual file but the Settings Page on the front end.
    So login, then navigate to Settings > General and make sure the Timezone drop-down has a value selected.
    Hope it’s as simple as that,

    Hi, I undertood but did not say it clearly, I did check the setting page as well and there is my city selected… so it is not as simple as that…

    Sorry @rely28, Do you want to open a new ticket with information concerning your case, if you post it here I can pick up with you there. Anything from your logs, enable logs if you haven’t and see if there’s anything helpful.

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