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  • It seems that there’s a configuration problem in the mod_mime_magic on your server.

    The best bet is to call your hosting provider and ask them to verify.

    I found a possible solution here. It might help.

    Just for the sake of completeness, here the solution?described in the link above:

    Simply open the /usr/share/file/magic.mime file in your text editor, and comment out the faulty lines (put ‘#‘ sign at the beginning of line).
    Those are typically the following:

    0    search/400    \\input        text/x-tex
    0    search/400    \\section    text/x-tex
    0    search/400    \\setlength    text/x-tex
    0    search/400    \\documentstyle    text/x-tex
    0    search/400    \\chapter    text/x-tex
    0    search/400    \\documentclass    text/x-tex

    – in the “TeX documents” section, around line 630, and often also

    0 regex [Cc]onstant:space:+[Ss]tory text/x-inform

    – in “Type: Inform interactive fiction language“, right after the previous one, and

    0 regex BEGIN:space:*[{] application/x-awk

    – around line 300 (sometimes already commented out).

    To check which lines exactly to comment out, check the mod_mime_magic errors printed right after the Apache start.

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