• Saw an earlier post “error messages in logfile” in the Beta section, but no details or reply.

    In my install, WP has been setup under a subdomain.

    I’ve added an image to index.php. The request for the image is showing up fine in accesslog. However this is surrounded by 404s for the rest of the session.

    Also, I can’t see any requests for wp-rss2.php, even tho I have RSS readers setup, actively fetching new feeds (and I can see 404s going to clients such as RssReader

    How can I get accesslog to show useful stats for WP?

    Is WP logging its own stats yet into MySQL???

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  • WP does not log it’s own stats.
    While some may find this useful, stats programs can accumulate a huge amount of data – and hosts may limit database sizes.

    You say you are getting 404’s – for what ? If it is a file, have you tried accessing the url yourself ?

    Feeds – are they accessing a permalink url ?

    Reading raw logs and turning that information into something of use is something that takes time to do – and your host may be able to assist if you send them specific lines from the log. If you send them the whole thing, they’ll chuck it back at you.

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