• Resolved dorenarode



    Running Spider Event Calendar 1.4.7 Free version

    June is okay – click to July to see error message:
    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function gregoriantojd() in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tesli/blog/wp-content/plugins/spider-event-calendar/front_end/frontend_functions.php on line 45”

    This message shows up when the month has a recurring event (or an event that spans more than one day. Both in the widget and full calendar (not shown)

    I am trialing the free version, but would like to get the full version if this can be fixed.


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  • Plugin Contributor webdorado


    Dear dorenarode,

    It looks like the PHP calendar module not be installed. If you install it, you will not get the error.
    You can either do it yourself, if you know how to do it, or contact your hosting provider.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter dorenarode


    I don’t understand how I could have a calendar at all if the PHP calendar module is not installed, but I’ve asked my server company…

    Thread Starter dorenarode


    PHP module updated – but did not fix problem with recurring events…

    Plugin Contributor webdorado


    Dear dorenarode,

    Are you sure, that you have enabled calendar module? Calendar should work properly after that activation. GregorianToJD function is still undefined on your website, but it could not be declared as undefined if calendar module was enabled.
    Here is the Calendar Functions list.

    In case you’ve done everything correctly and still are getting the error, please e-mail us ([email protected]) the version number of you calendar, so we will customize it and e-mail you the package.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter dorenarode


    I sent “my people” your message. They actually got installed now. I’m looking good. Thanks! By the way, very nice Calendar!

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