• We have a multi-site installation, running on 4.5.3. We first downloaded bbPress, which worked fine. We then downloaded this plugin, and got the following error:

    “bbPress Messages notice: bbPress plugin is a requirement, please activate bbPress to use the messaging functionality.”

    We’ve tried uninstall/reinstalling the plugins – which have been both installed and network activated, but it can’t seem to register that bbPress is already up and running.

    Any ideas?

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  • I got the same issue…

    Me too! I tried Messages Lite and then paid for pro version, still no joy!?

    Plugin Contributor Ismail


    Hello everyone,

    I am very sorry for the delayed answer. I planned an update to this plugin but other schedules kept me delayed.

    This plugin is not quite ready for a multisite, although what you can do is install it in the network admin, then go to the site where you want to activate it and I think it should work normally. The point is avoid

    I have planned to be working this week on a newer version of this plugin and I’ll have all these features in mind, including Multisite support.

    Thanks all for your understanding, and my apologies in advance.


    I’ve tried that but it doesn’t work!?

    I just tried deleting all files and then manually uploading and installing in the directory I wanted, but it still asks for bbpress to be activated!?

    Hi Samuel,
    Can you give an idea of when this might be ready for use? This is the only thing preventing my site going live now.

    Plugin Contributor Ismail


    @russ8523 I am very sorry about this. please contact me as soon as you can here https://samelh.com/contact/ and I will see what I can do to make it work on your install, as the update should take a couple of days.

    Thank you!

    Hi Samuel,
    How are you getting on with this update, can we expect something soon?

    Plugin Contributor Ismail


    Hi Stewart,

    Yes the development of 2.0 is still ongoing as it is not really an update but I rebuilt it from scratch.

    I’ve been busy with the core past 2 days and now I will spend another 2-3 days to finish the front-end and wrap up everything before it’s done.

    Here’s a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/tR3AUht.png

    Please email me as you did before if you have anything.




    Hi Samuel, Yor BBP Messages just arrived. Installed it full of hope but…… If I try to message a member from a within a Topic, I am taken to a completely different Topic!? No message box?

    If I try to message from a members Profile page, I get: This site can’t be reached.
    message’s server DNS address could not be found
    Search google for messages new

    Also, is this Messages or Messages Lite?




    ALSO…..If I click on Messages in my Profile, I get: 404 page not found etc.
    Help please,

    Plugin Contributor Ismail


    Hi Stewart,

    Please open an independent support topic for this. Yes I just committed the first code release half an hour ago and this is for the lite plugin so far.

    Thank you.


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