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  • Surprised the developer hasn’t chipped in here…

    Plugin Author jp2112


    Sorry for the issue, I am looking into this and should have a fix later today. Thx

    Plugin Author jp2112


    Issue resolved, new version will be uploaded in the next couple of hours.

    Hi Jimmy,
    Any word on when the fix will be published? I don’t want to roll back to the previous version if you are planning to release the fix soon.

    If you are having trouble resolving the bugs, maybe you could post the old code for those of us who are not technical enough to replace the buggy new code on our sites. The last thing i want to do is break my site further by trying to replace all the old code by hand.

    Plugin Author jp2112


    Sorry, time warner decided that today was the day to start having problems with my internet connection. As a stopgap, edit the scbb.php file and delete everything inside the “scbb_filter_hex_color” function except for the last line (the line that returns the value). This should resolve issues with the plugin until I can get back online.

    Thanks Jimmy, that stopgap edit worked for me.
    Great plugin by the way, I appreciate your hard work.

    Plugin Author jp2112


    If you want the stopgap code, here it is:

    function scbb_filter_hex_color($colorvalue) {
      return $colorvalue;

    This will simply return the hex color value without any validation and without having to touch anything else in the plugin. So you need to use the full hex color value including ‘#’.

    As soon as my internet is restored (ugh) I’ll update the plugin to correct it.

    I am up and running with the stopgap. Thanks Jimmy. Great plugin.

    Have been trying the stopgap fix but it doesnt seem to work for me.

    Great plugin hope there is update available to fix this soon.


    Installed the update but still getting clear color buttons using :

    [color-button color=”red” href=””%5D
    Follow this link


    [color-button color=”#ff0000″]
    Button text.

    Plugin Author jp2112



    I just tried that shortcode on my site, it works. Are you sure the plugin is activated and enabled?

    Regarding your second shortcode, the parameter for a custom hex value is “customcolorpicker”, not “color”.

    [color-button customcolorpicker="#ff0000"]
    Button text.


    Tried the “customcolorpicker” and still clear buttons

    The buttons with the problem are on the Website:


    Just installed new update and all working fine.

    Thanks for your help.

    Good Plugin

    I really appreciate your hard work Jimmy, but i can’t keep going thru your failed upgrades. Of the many many plugins I have on my sites, your is the only one that has failed twice this year on new releases.

    I paid $18 today for a commercial plug in. I would have gladly sent you $18. You have a cool plugin but you don’t seem to understand that people depend on it to work correctly. Its very simple code. I’m leaving the tribe today.

    Now I have to update 140 pages with 3 color boxes each. Ugh!

    Best wishes to you and thanks for making plugins.


    Plugin Author jp2112



    I am aware that people depend on the plugin. And I work on it when I can. I am sorry that the plugin is throwing errors, believe me I have a huge black eye from the last few days.

    But when I run the shortcode on my site, I don’t get all the errors that people are reporting. The plugin worked without issue up until the second wp_kses error. I do see that the PHP error log shows errors, and I should have checked that. But I have to question what kind of website settings you have that a non-fatal PHP error would bring down your whole site. Consider setting PHP to simply log errors instead.

    The latest update should fix this issue and all the other reported issues so far. Update, or remove the plugin if you prefer. There is a library of other plugins that have similar function, I can try to recommend an alternative if you like.

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