Hello @madlot
I am sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing. I tried to replicate the issue on my test site and was unable to replicate it.
Since you have set the server upload limit to 1024MB already, can you please confirm if you have set the “Filesize limit” on the File Upload field on the Forminator form?
You can confirm it by editing the “File Upload” field and navigating to its settings >> Filesize limit as per the below screenshot.
If you have set it to 50MB, can you please set it to maximum and check if that helps?
If that does not help, we will need to take a closer look at your form to check what could be causing the issue. For this, would you mind sharing the form export with us so that we can take a closer look?
You can follow the guide below on how you can export the Forminator form.
After exporting, please share the code using services such as https://pastebin.com or https://justpaste.it/ which are free to use.
Please feel free to remove any sensitive information the form might contain.
Awaiting your response.
Kind Regards,