That version is a little old, but not as old as the versions of cURL I’ve seen others have issues with. I’ve written up some debug code that you could test with if you are comfortable doing so. This would require you to place some code in your themes functions.php file and you should only do so if you are comfortable making edits to this file.
Here is the code:
function test_wp_remote_get() {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['test_fa'] ) ) {
$free_manifest_url = '';
$remote_get = wp_remote_get( $free_manifest_url );
// Log the results to a file called log_fontawesome.txt in the root of your website
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/log_fontawesome.txt', print_r($remote_get, true));
// Alternatively print the results to the screen then end exit
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r( $remote_get );
// echo "</pre>";
// die( 'END' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'test_wp_remote_get' );
To activate this test, you would navigate to:
This would attempt to make the same call this plugin makes to get the fontawesome icons manifest, and then log the results of the attempt to a file called “log_fontawesome.txt” in the root of your site folder, eg:
If this function call is getting some kind of error, this would let us see what that error is.