error message
I have this error message that prevents me from using your plugin because I do not have the map display
Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘aInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT id FROMwp_leafletmapsmarker_markers
LIKE ‘mapquest%’ ORDER BY id ASCErreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘aInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT id FROMwp_leafletmapsmarker_layers
LIKE ‘mapquest%’ ORDER BY id ASCRegards
[ No bumping please. ]
can you please try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin please? 2 database tables should actually be created upon installation automatically.
Thank you for your support.
I have done it twice but I have these errors now
Regards[CREATE command denied to user ‘XXXalterinfo’@’XXX.0.73.15’ for table ‘wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’]
CREATE TABLE wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers ( id int(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, markername varchar(255) NOT NULL, basemap varchar(25) NOT NULL, layer varchar(4000) NOT NULL, lat decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, lon decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, icon varchar(255) NOT NULL, popuptext text NOT NULL, zoom int(2) NOT NULL, openpopup tinyint(1) NOT NULL, mapwidth int(4) NOT NULL, mapwidthunit varchar(2) NOT NULL, mapheight int(4) NOT NULL, panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, createdby varchar(60) NOT NULL, createdon datetime NOT NULL, updatedby varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, updatedon datetime DEFAULT NULL, controlbox int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom2 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom3 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom4 int(1) NOT NULL, wms tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms2 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms3 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms4 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms5 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms6 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms7 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms8 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms9 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms10 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, kml_timestamp datetime DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(255) NOT NULL, gpx_url varchar(2083) NOT NULL, gpx_panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [CREATE command denied to user ‘XXXalterinfo’@’XXX.0.73.15’ for table ‘wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’]
CREATE TABLE wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers ( id int(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, basemap varchar(25) NOT NULL, layerzoom int(2) NOT NULL, mapwidth int(4) NOT NULL, mapwidthunit varchar(2) NOT NULL, mapheight int(4) NOT NULL, panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, layerviewlat decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, layerviewlon decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, createdby varchar(60) NOT NULL, createdon datetime NOT NULL, updatedby varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, updatedon datetime DEFAULT NULL, controlbox int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom2 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom3 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom4 int(1) NOT NULL, wms tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms2 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms3 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms4 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms5 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms6 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms7 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms8 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms9 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms10 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, listmarkers tinyint(1) NOT NULL, multi_layer_map tinyint(1) NOT NULL, multi_layer_map_list varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(255) NOT NULL,clustering
tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, gpx_url varchar(2083) NOT NULL, gpx_panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, mlm_filter int(1) NOT NULL, mlm_filter_details varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTOwp_leafletmapsmarker_layers
) VALUES (0, ‘markers not assigned to a layer’, ‘osm_mapnik’, ’11’, ‘640’, ‘px’, ‘480’, ”, ”);Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘osm_osmarender’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘osm_osmarender’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘googleLayer_satellite’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘googleLayer_satellit’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘googleLayer_satellite’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘googleLayer_satellit’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade2’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade2’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade3’;Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Table ‘alterInfo.wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers’ doesn’t exist]
= ‘osm_mapnik’ WHEREbasemap
= ‘cloudmade3’;sorry for late reply – missed the notification.
mmhhhh – strange anyway – seems like your database user is somehow restricted. I would suggest to either consult your hoster who should be able to tell you more about your database configuration or if you have access to phpmyadmin, try to execute the following to SQL statements to setup the basic tables needed for Leaflet Maps Marker (anyway consulting your hoster would still be recommended in order not to run into any issues with any further updates which might require database table changes):sql 1
CREATE TABLE wp_leafletmapsmarker_markers ( id int(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, markername varchar(255) NOT NULL, basemap varchar(25) NOT NULL, layer varchar(4000) NOT NULL, lat decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, lon decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, icon varchar(255) NOT NULL, popuptext text NOT NULL, zoom int(2) NOT NULL, openpopup tinyint(1) NOT NULL, mapwidth int(4) NOT NULL, mapwidthunit varchar(2) NOT NULL, mapheight int(4) NOT NULL, panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, createdby varchar(60) NOT NULL, createdon datetime NOT NULL, updatedby varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, updatedon datetime DEFAULT NULL, controlbox int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom2 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom3 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom4 int(1) NOT NULL, wms tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms2 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms3 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms4 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms5 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms6 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms7 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms8 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms9 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms10 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, kml_timestamp datetime DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(255) NOT NULL, gpx_url varchar(2083) NOT NULL, gpx_panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
sql 2
CREATE TABLE wp_leafletmapsmarker_layers ( id int(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, basemap varchar(25) NOT NULL, layerzoom int(2) NOT NULL, mapwidth int(4) NOT NULL, mapwidthunit varchar(2) NOT NULL, mapheight int(4) NOT NULL, panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, layerviewlat decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, layerviewlon decimal(9,6) NOT NULL, createdby varchar(60) NOT NULL, createdon datetime NOT NULL, updatedby varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, updatedon datetime DEFAULT NULL, controlbox int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom2 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom3 int(1) NOT NULL, overlays_custom4 int(1) NOT NULL, wms tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms2 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms3 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms4 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms5 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms6 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms7 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms8 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms9 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, wms10 tinyint(1) NOT NULL, listmarkers tinyint(1) NOT NULL, multi_layer_map tinyint(1) NOT NULL, multi_layer_map_list varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(255) NOT NULL, clustering tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, gpx_url varchar(2083) NOT NULL, gpx_panel tinyint(1) NOT NULL, mlm_filter int(1) NOT NULL, mlm_filter_details varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
I had an administrator access problem for the user of the database
Thanks it works now ??
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