• Hello…I am receiving the error message:
    PHP Fatal error: Class ‘PhotoTileForInstagramPrimary’ not found in /home/amandafe/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alpine-photo-tile-for-instagram/alpine-phototile-for-instagram.php on line 164

    in my error log since I updated the plugin on July 30th. I have the same error message from every day, sometimes multiple times a day, since July 31st.

    Any ideas? Recently the website crashed and my host said that either this or one other plugin could have caused it.

    I’d very much appreciate any advice or fixes you could offer,


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  • Thread Starter dannidar


    I just realized that when I used the echo shortcode in the php template, I did not have quotations around the user= value. Would this have caused that error message, that you know of?

    Thread Starter dannidar


    Well, the error message is back after I made the change above. I’d appreciate any input you could offer on this. I am using it like so in the template file:

    echo do_shortcode( '[alpine-phototile-for-instagram id="568" user="visitdorchester" src="user_recent" imgl="instagram" style="cascade" col="3" size="M" num="9" border="1" highlight="1" align="center" max="100" nocredit="1"]' );

    Let me know if there’s anything on my end that could be causing the PHP Fatal Error outlined above.

    Plugin Author theAlpinePress


    I am not exactly sure what the problem is, but I just released an update and changed the order that files are loaded. Please let me know if that does/doesn’t help.

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