Hi Hristo,
I think the problem is that what you find straightforward and what general users find straightforward are two different things. When people claim to have the ‘same problem’ and you tell them that there is no such thing as the same problem, it means that there is a communication problem.
To a customer the ‘problem’ is that they want to switch on Javascript Combination, but they get an error message.
We have detected that a script is generating uniquely named files which results in our combined assets taking up huge amount of disk space. Please, exclude any scripts that generate unique JS code per page or per visit in order to avoid this from happening again.
To you as a developer, there are many different possibilities why this may be happening. To customers/users who see others getting this same message, it is simply the same problem.
Above you say that “Exclusion filters are in the plugin description if you want to do it yourself”. Where exactly? Where might the exceptions be entered? It is rather vague. Remember, users are generally not as adept as you are at dealing with this stuff. Maybe you could provide a link? An example of how one might add an exception when switching on Javascript Combination?
I think that Siteground should perhaps put a customer service person between the customers and you. That way these ‘problems’ could perhaps by solved by them and you could stick to your more complicated tasks.
Or maybe you could just point them to the chat? To the other users having problems I would heartily recommend that. The woman working in the Siteground chat support are incredibly knowledgable and helpful.
Best wishes,