• Resolved lbelchez



    I once again need your assistance with a certain problem that i’m having with your plugin.

    my store is not a conventional woocommerce store. my current layout is like this.

    homepage >>> customer clicks order now >>> customer selects a system >>> the customer is then directed to a product specific checkout page [what i mean by this is all of my 3 different products have their own customized checkout page.] >>> they enter their details, then check out.

    My current problem is that whenever I try to checkout with a new test card [not saved yet] “4242 4242 4242 4242” or anything else, I get the following:

    “Error: Invalid Response”

    Am i getting this because checkout with your plugin is only available on a non-modified checkout?

    I can confirm that the checkout works when i do it on the non-modified one…

    Please help.. Let me know if you need any more details.. ill provide them asap. Thanks in advance.


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  • Interesting. The theme is based off of an older WordPress twenty-something theme from a few years ago. Here’s the site: https://obxmonogramshop.com/

    Plugin Author Stephen Zuniga


    Try installing this version of the plugin (https://github.com/stezu/stripe-for-woocommerce/archive/master.zip) to see if it works. It looks like there’s a problem on your checkout page with the payment form script not loading properly. You’ll notice that the credit card numbers don’t format themselves like this (4242 4242 4242 4242), there is a plugin that’s supposed to add in those spaces and it isn’t working on your site for some reason.

    That did it! I de-activated the existing plugin, then deleted (both through the Plugins area of WP), and then uploaded the folder in the zip you linked to, reloaded the Plugins page, and it showed up. Activated it, and checked on the settings (all my old settings for the plugin were still there). Then went to the frontend and placed an order, and it went through! Confirmed within Stripe as a successful Auth / Capture.

    Thanks Stephen! I don’t know what’s different in the version of the plugin you linked to, but whatever changes are in there did the trick for my situation!

    Getting another error now. On the frontend it says:
    Error: There was a problem connecting to the payment gateway.

    In the WP admin the error for the order is:
    S4WC_Gateway payment failed with message: “There was a problem connecting to the payment gateway.”

    And in Stripe the log for it is:

    Time: 2015/03/31 17:21:33
    Method: POST
    URL: /v1/customers/cus_#########/cards
    Status: 400
    IP address:
    Version: 2014-12-22
    Source: WooCommerce-Stripe
    Related: Customer — cus_#########

    Parsed Request Query Parameters
    No query parameters

    Parsed Request POST Body
    card: “”

    Response body
    type: “invalid_request_error”
    message: “Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string. See API docs at https://stripe.com/docs”
    param: “card”

    (I replaced the customer ID with #########). Also, I tried using https://github.com/stezu/stripe-for-woocommerce/archive/master.zip again, and that didn’t fix it.

    Still having issues.. On WordPress version 4.1.2, WooCommerce 2.3.8, and Stripe for WooCommerce 1.36.

    When a customer tries placing an order, this is the log through Stripe:

    Time: 2015/04/22 16:30:28
    Method: POST
    URL: /v1/charges
    Status: 400
    IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Version: 2014-12-22
    Source: WooCommerce-Stripe

    Parsed Request Query Parameters
    No query parameters

    Parsed Request POST Body
    amount: “2350”
    currency: “usd”
    capture: “true”
    expand: “balance_transaction”
    card: “”
    description: “Payment for Anchor Stadium Tumbler Set (Order: 641)”

    Response body
    type: “invalid_request_error”
    message: “You have passed a blank string for ‘card’. You should remove the ‘card’ parameter from your request or supply a non-blank value.”
    param: “card”

    It works if I’m logged in and use a saved card profile (in the Stripe log the “card” value shows as “card_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”), but if it’s a completely new card the card value seems to be coming through blank and the order fails.

    Please help!!

    Stripe script automatically creates a token when credit card information is submitted. This token is generated via JavaScript when a user clicks on the the “Submit” button. So you need to make sure that there is no JavaScript error on the “Collect Details” page. Otherwise, the script will not be able to create the token due to JavaScript conflict.

    Do you have cache enabled? Possibly minify? If you do, there is the problem. You need to learn how to configure your cache as to not clash with your scripts. That I cannot resolve for you beyond telling you to disable minify.

    If you have no cache, which you should, there is a conflict and by the sounds of things, it would be with your theme. Solving that is also not easy.

    There is a small chance that the combo of your theme and some other plugin is conflicting with this plugin. I would check those by disabling them all and enabling them one by one and test your stripe until you pin point the problem plugin.

    I’ve had Firebug up watching the console for errors, etc. and none are showing. The ajax posts fine and receives the response, but the response is the error message. Looks like I’ll have to dig even deeper..

    Thanks for the suggestions Joshua!

    Your console will not display all issues that may effect this issue. Do you have cache enabled?

    Gotcha. No caching plugin / service, and only have these plugins enabled:

    Easy Testimonials: by Gold Plugins – 1.24
    Regenerate Thumbnails: by Viper007Bond – 2.2.4
    Stripe for WooCommerce: by Stephen Zuniga – 1.36
    WooCommerce Colors: by WooThemes – 1.0.6
    WooCommerce Product Add-ons: by WooThemes – 2.7.3
    WooCommerce: by WooThemes – 2.3.8
    WordPress SEO: by Team Yoast – 2.1.1

    Do you have a developer website for your website? Can you try with “test keys” from stripe? My recommendation is install a developer website to test without extra plugins(only Woocommerce and the stripe) and use a native wordpress theme (twentyfifteen). With this You will get conclusions about the rest plugins and theme issues.

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