• I get this error: Error : 400 : Bad Request: Object expected as reply markup.

    This is the URL than the bot is trying to send:

    https://api.telegram.org/botMYKEY/sendMessage?chat_id=MYCHATID&text=Welcome User&parse_mode=Markdown&reply_markup=null

    The problem is than reply_markup is null so it never should been sent. If I remove the reply_markup parameter when it’s null, the plugin works.


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  • +1, thanks to sergioucoes

    Removing reply_markup from below line makes things work for me:

    $data = compact('chat_id', 'text', 'parse_mode', 'reply_markup');

    Plugin Author Marco Milesi


    i’ve just tested it. It seems that Telegram has changed some thing. I am investigating it right now. In the meanwhile, v1.3.17 has been released


    I also have a problem

    Error: incorrect parameters

    Thanks for Create plugin

    I disable the plugin wp-jalali , but I still have not solved the problem

    Please help me


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