Fidoboy, The entire plugin beyond pulling in a simple static quotes relies on AJAX functionality. Others do use it. I would break most aspects of the plugin by removing that. Next quote link, gallery, auto, and page modes would not exist for a few examples.
What I need to do is separate the wp_enqueue_script based on short-code or widget setting. Not sure how yet though. I don’t want unnecessary code loading where it’s not used either, but removing jQuery for the entire plugin isn’t an option. I will look into separating the scripts and see if I can get it working. That would be sweet to say the least.
However, if you are still getting JavaScript errors, it should be addressed and fixed. Do copy/paste any that you are still getting. Otherwise I’ll assume that the update addressed that particular error.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions that have helped work out the bugs and improved this plugin immensely.