Error importing database
I get this error when trying to import database after importing WP site from a backup:
“Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation“
This is the installer-log.txt file:
[PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:Return type of IgnorantRecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren() should either be compatible with RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren(): RecursiveDirectoryIterator, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice [CODE:8192|FILE:/home/stagesou/|LINE:597] ******************************************************************************** * DUPLICATOR-PRO: Install-Log * STEP-1 START @ 09:41:06 * VERSION: 1.4.2 * NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums!! ******************************************************************************** PACKAGE INFO________ CURRENT SERVER |ORIGINAL SERVER PHP VERSION_________: 7.4.33 |8.1.29 OS__________________: Linux |Linux CREATED_____________: 2024-01-15 12:35:58 WP VERSION__________: 5.6.12 DUP VERSION_________: 1.4.2 DB__________________: 10.6.16 DB TABLES___________: 55 DB ROWS_____________: 7,299 DB FILE SIZE________: 11.6MB ******************************************************************************** SERVER INFO PHP_________________: 8.1.29 | SAPI: litespeed PHP MEMORY__________: 4294967296 | SUHOSIN: disabled SERVER______________: Apache DOC ROOT____________: “/home/stagesou/” DOC ROOT 755________: true LOG FILE 644________: true REQUEST URL_________: “” ******************************************************************************** USER INPUTS ARCHIVE ACTION______: “donothing” ARCHIVE ENGINE______: “duparchive” SET DIR PERMS_______: 1 DIR PERMS VALUE_____: 1363 SET FILE PERMS______: 1 FILE PERMS VALUE____: 1204 SAFE MODE___________: “0” LOGGING_____________: “1” CONFIG MODE_________: “NEW” FILE TIME___________: “current” ******************************************************************************** ————————————– ARCHIVE SETUP ————————————– NAME________________: “/home/stagesou/[HASH]_20240115123558_archive.daf” SIZE________________: 210.67MB PRE-EXTRACT-CHECKS – PASS: Microsoft IIS ‘web.config’ not found – no backup needed. – PASS: WordFence ‘.user.ini’ not found – no backup needed. BEFORE EXTRACION ACTIONS MAINTENANCE MODE ENABLE >>> DupArchive Extraction Complete ————————————– DUPARCHIVE EXTRACTION STATUS ————————————– Archive extracted with no errors. ————————————– POST-EXTACT-CHECKS ————————————– PERMISSION UPDATES: -DIRS: ‘755’ -FILES: ‘644’ STEP-1 COMPLETE @ 09:41:06 – RUNTIME: 0.3254 sec. [PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated [CODE:8192|FILE:/home/stagesou/|LINE:159] [PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated [CODE:8192|FILE:/home/stagesou/|LINE:159] ******************************************************************************** * DUPLICATOR-LITE INSTALL-LOG * STEP-2 START @ 10:03:01 * NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums!! ******************************************************************************** USER INPUTS VIEW MODE___________: “basic” DB ACTION___________: “empty” DB HOST_____________: “**OBSCURED**” DB NAME_____________: “**OBSCURED**” DB PASS_____________: “**OBSCURED**” DB PORT_____________: “**OBSCURED**” NON-BREAKING SPACES_: false MYSQL MODE__________: “DEFAULT” MYSQL MODE OPTS_____: “” CHARSET_____________: “utf8” COLLATE_____________: “utf8_general_ci” COLLATE FB__________: true VIEW CREATION_______: true STORED PROCEDURE____: true FUNCTION CREATION___: true ******************************************************************************** ————————————– EXCEPTION: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation TRACE: #0 /home/stagesou/ mysqli_query() #1 /home/stagesou/ DUPX_DBInstall->__construct() #2 /home/stagesou/ require_once(‘/home/stagesou/…’) #3 {main} ————————————–
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