• In the style.css of the new theme twentyseventeen (both stable and nightly build), line 664, which defines Chinese font:

    /* Typography for Chinese Font */
    html[lang^="zh-"] body,
    html[lang^="zh-"] button,
    html[lang^="zh-"] input,
    html[lang^="zh-"] select,
    html[lang^="zh-"] textarea {
    	font-family: "PingFang TC", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, STHeitiTC-Light, Arial, sans-serif;

    However, this CSS is only suitable for zh-HK and zh-TW, but not for zh-CN, which should not use traditional Chinese (TC), but Simplified Chinese (SC)

    So it needs to add these line after that, and it works well:

    html[lang="zh-CN"] body,
    html[lang="zh-CN"] button,
    html[lang="zh-CN"] input,
    html[lang="zh-CN"] select,
    html[lang="zh-CN"] textarea {
        font-family: "PingFang SC", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, STHeitiSC-Light, Arial, sans-serif
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