• Resolved karam_tei


    After installing Google calender i added this plugin to my footer wiget although it was successfully uploaded but it gave an error mentioning:

    The feed URL has not been set. Please make sure to set it correctly in the Feed settings.

    I checked all the URL & links but cant seem to find where i need to add the feed URL for the footer widget. this calender is linked with my google calender and have added the GCal Feed URL correctly as it worked fine when i added the calender to my page


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  • Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Sorry that you are encountering an issue.

    Did you include the Feed ID in the widget? What are your widget settings so we can narrow it down a bit here.

    You can also view the documentation here if it will help:



    Thread Starter karam_tei


    Hi Nick, yes i have added it My feed id correctly, Since the same feed is working fine on another page but when i made a new feed for my footer it displayed the error:

    The feed URL has not been set. Please make sure to set it correctly in the Feed settings.

    The calender is displaying and everything seems to be ok with the calender although there is an error msg on top of it.



    I am getting something similar although my calendar is no longer working. My calendars are a little out of the ordinary: I have a grid on the left with a list floated next to it. Each page may have multiple calendars for different resources (conference rooms, training rooms, etc) stacked going down the page.

    For instance, I have the grid calendar with list calendar floated next to if for a conference room for a particular branch office, then below that the grid and list for a training room for the same office.

    Before having to create the separate feed for the lists, the grids for the conference room and training rooms each displayed their events, although the lists said they had not events to display. After creating the separate feed for the conference room list, the training room list and grid each say no events with the two error messages at the very top of the page:

    The feed URL has not been set. Please make sure to set it correctly in the Feed settings.

    The feed URL has not been set. Please make sure to set it correctly in the Feed settings.




    I found that the reason it says feed has not been set is because when I created the new feed, it cleared the settings of the existing Training room feed even though I wasn’t editing that feed.

    Thread Starter karam_tei


    after trying multiple options it had still displayed the same error. even when i created a new feed and deleted the previous one the error still appeared.
    adding to which now all my events that were working before have stopped showing on the main page and the widget i have my doubt on the new update
    I would really appreciate someones help as i followed every step as instructed but still my issue has not been resolved.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    We just released 2.0.7, let me know if it helps any of you. Thanks

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Assuming that you have gotten this resolved since there has been no response. Please let us know if you have any more issues.


    I will try posting here as I have the same issue!

    Here is the site in question

    The full page calendar displays correctly as does the widget with the exception of the misleading header Error: feed URL has not been set. The rub is that the widget is displaying events that are fed using the feed id’s.

    It has also lost the rather attractive formatting that it used to have where the events would carry over the calendar display colour!

    All plugins are up to date as is WordPress and themes.

    Any help gratefully received.


    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    The full page calendar displays correctly as does the widget with the exception of the misleading header Error: feed URL has not been set. The rub is that the widget is displaying events that are fed using the feed id’s.

    Have you got this fixed? I just visisted your site and didn’t see any errors.

    It has also lost the rather attractive formatting that it used to have where the events would carry over the calendar display colour!

    You will need to re-add the custom CSS to your theme’s stylesheet to get that working again.

    Thanks Nick for your quick reply.

    I see …

    Events on
    The feed URL has not been set. Please make sure to set it correctly in the Feed settings.

    in the right hand Widget section on the home page …….. as I was writing the above I stopped and thought … why you would say it looks fine! Changed from latest version of Chrome to Firefox, Safari and IE10 and all looks great. Damn Chrome! I have cleared my Chrome cache … no difference! So sorry for that my bad!

    Regarding the custom css, do you supply one or do I build and integrate myself. I do not remember building one when I first started using GE, but I really did like the way it carried the color from the event in the full calendar to the Widget!

    Thanks again, truly appreciated!

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Regarding the custom css, do you supply one or do I build and integrate myself. I do not remember building one when I first started using GE, but I really did like the way it carried the color from the event in the full calendar to the Widget!

    We don;t supply one by default. You can inspect the elements to get the class names, but in general I think you will be looking for these:

    .gce-tooltip-event {
    background-color: #f00; // red

    Or something similar. You may have to make it more specific by adding an id in there depeneding on the CS is loaded, etc. But I hope that will help you get a start at least.

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