Here ‘s an update. Ran into the same exact problem, and..
It ‘s positive, it ‘s a memory issue. Just like what jjava00 said above, increase the memory_limit.
– File to edit : php.ini
– Line to edit : 232
– string : memory_limit = 32MB.
* If you can’t find it on line 232, search for this string memory_limit, you ‘ll get there for sure.
Not sure if each hosting has the same default setup, but my default is 32MB. I increased it to 64MB.
Not all of us have this privilege to edit this php.ini file. Including me. I ‘m on a shared hosting. So here ‘re what I did:
1. I edit the php.ini of my local apache – set the memory_limit to 64MB. (I use appserv)
2. Upload it to the root of my web dir (www or public_html or htdocs or whatever).
.. and That ‘s it.
The export.php script can then create the xml file we need to download – as now there ‘re enough memory resources to do so, and it can be downloaded. Problem solved.
Do remember though, I removed it right after the file downloaded successfully, as I don’t wanna ruin things that have been set up there and running perfectly so far. Mission accomplished, so I removed it. Use it again later on when it ‘s needed.
I never encourage you guys to leave it up there permanently.