• This looks like a great plugin, so we tried testing it offline using WAMP. The plugin installed without error. During plugin set-up we received the error below when clicking on the add new shortcode tab, entering text in the box and clicking save. Then anytime we click on the plugin in the WP Admin thereafter, we get the same error.

    Nothing seems to be wrong on the outward facing website, but we can’t get the plugin configured. We have tried uninstalling, restoring the database and reinstalling the plugin with the same results. The error persists when we deactivate and reactivate the plugin as well.


    Expected string. Got:

    Error Location:
    Function: ABDWPSM_Section::set_display_name()
    File: C:\——–\wp-content\plugins\ad-blocking-detector\includes\wpsm\section.php
    Line #: 378


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