• Hey there! I’m trying to use an apache server and transfer my wordpress to a local host in order to utilize the Adobe Dreamweaver app. I have made a username, password, host and database and upon trying to log in I get this message. “Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?
    If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.”

    Please help! I don’t believe it to be the first two recommended fixes. Thank you in advance!

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  • Did you use a backup plugin to transfer the site? Did you create a database backup and install on localhost? Dreamweaver? AAaahhhhh!


    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    I followed this YouTube post to the tee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_y0Gmsfqro

    I followed that video- and read several forums. I don’t understand what’s going wrong because MAMP is running fine, the wp-config.php file has values that coincide exactly with what I’m plugging into the “Database” + “Username” + “password” fields, and still- no luck. I’ve been at it for two hours now, no idea why this won’t work.

    Hello, When you try to load your project from server to local host the database settings are different.

    Also if you have your IIS server is running than please stop it. sometime it give you a problem.

    Double make sure that your database is there in local host. and username and password is same as the localhost.

    good luck

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    where is the IIS server?

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    update, I’ve remade 3 users and am encountering the same exact problem. I don’t know how my database would not be running correctly? Any help on this would be really greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    Ok, starting to get really annoying now. tried contacting support at Adobe Dreamweaver and they didn’t give solutions, I’ve been bouncing back and forth on three different forums trying to understand why it won’t let me log in.


    ^^^^ agree 100% – still no resolution after reinstalling/ downloading MAMP/ WordPress, and following several youtube explanations. I’m wondering if it’s sharing settings on my MAC or something. It must be computer settings if we’re doing every other thing correctly.

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    When i called adobe Dreamweaver and speak to every support person on this issue, they refer me to the Paul Trani Youtube video. It’s like getting slapped in the face repeatedly while on the ground sobbing.

    To clarify a few things:

    transfer my wordpress

    Does this mean you have a WP site hosted online somewhere, such as GoDaddy, HostGator, Bluehost, etc., and you want to copy it to your own computer to use DW to edit?

    If so, that vid is not for your situation, other than setting up MAMP.

    And that’s another question: Are you using a Mac and have you installed MAMP and per the vid?

    If so, are you able to successfully start the MAMP servers and access the MAMP Start page (as in the vid, although that vid is using an earlier version of MAMP)?

    If you answered ‘Yes’ to these, then DW is not your issue and they would never be a place to go for support in this matter at the moment; it is purely up to you and getting your live site copied to your local web server (MAMP?).

    And if this is in fact the situation, then you can check this link for moving a WP site:


    These are the steps you need to do to copy a live site to a local MAMP environment:

    – install MAMP using the default settings

    Live Site:

    – export the database
    – download the complete WP installation (ZIP the files if your hosting file manager provides this and just download the ZIP)

    Local in MAMP:

    – create a new folder in Applications/MAMP/htdocs and name it wordpress
    – move the downloaded site files here or unZIP the downloaded site ZIP here
    – edit the wp-config.php file now in this location with the following values:

    NOTE: use a plain text editor such as Text Wrangler to do so (or open it in DW)

    — DB_NAME: wordpress
    — DB_USER: root
    — DB_PASSWORD: root
    — DB_HOST: localhost (or

    – from the MAMP Start page, select phpMyAdmin from the Tools menu
    – create a new, empty database named wordpress
    – select this newly created DB from the list on the left and click the import Tab; select the downloaded export file (.SQL extension) and click GO
    – you should receive a message that the import was successful
    – expand the list for your DB so you can see the wp_options table and select it
    – find and edit the siteurl and home fields with your local address:


    – you should now be able to log into your local copy with:

    https://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-admin or

    Once logged in, install and run this plugin to update the rest of the URLs and links:


    — select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)

    Once that is done, go to:

    Settings > Permalinks and Save.

    Once this is all done, THEN you can start with using DW to edit and skip ahead in the vid to ~06:23 ??

    However, the vid shows editing the theme files directly, when best practices are that you should first create a child theme of the active theme and make your edits there. But that is another topic that you can search the WP Codex for ??

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    I really appreciate your thorough and great response! To give some context, I have practically zero experience using website design, or computer coding, so for me this is the most advanced project i’ve ever done, i apologize if I’m coming off as incompetent but I’m just trying to learn and get the website for my business up and running.

    So, I’ve read in plenty of places, (even though there is a MAMP option to install the client for Windows 8) that WAMP is the preferred localhost for Windows. Unfortunately for me, after installing WAMP, the program won’t run on my computer. I even tried to run as administrator and a bunch of alternative options that didn’t pan out. SO, I cut my losses and went with MAMP which has a preference to to be compatible with Windows 8. The server actually runs just fine and like I said, I’ve followed all the steps in the YouTube video. And to clarify, I just have a standard Business WordPress website via wordpress, it isn’t hosted anywhere else.


    ^^ This is the link to MAMP Alpha 1 (I recognize it’s an alpha but it beats NOT being able to open WAMP).

    To give you more context here is a link to the case I opened on Adobe’s site, I recognize they aren’t the right people to contact now but I wasn’t sure originally.


    So I had followed all of the steps you provided but then just couldn’t get it to run the install because of the issue i listed at the top.

    I think we’re getting somewhere ??

    I should have asked whether it was MAMP for Mac or Win now that there are both.

    The only difference is the default port for Apache: 8888 for Mac and 80 for Win. Therefore, in my above example, you would leave out the :8888 from the URLs.

    I just have a standard Business WordPress website via wordpress, it isn’t hosted anywhere else.

    Does this mean it is at WordPress.COM? If so. that is another kettle of fish! ??

    WP.COM is where you can set up a site without installing WP. This forum, and what you are installing on your MAMP install is the software from www.remarpro.com.

    This explains the difference:


    Please provide a URL for the site you are trying to transfer (if you can) as this will go a long way in getting it sorted for you ??

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    Right! SO I’ve made a lot of progress since your post, I have connect WAMP to www.remarpro.com (which I was under the impression you have to do in order to work with the site in Dreamweaver). Anyways i’m trying to connect Epicathleticcenter.net to Dreamweaver to customize it. I exported a file and opened it in dreamweaver but it only appears as 5,000 lines of code with none of the capabilities to mess with the design, did I do something wrong?

    Thread Starter epicathleticcenter


    And to answer your question, it was a wordpress.com site

    it was a wordpress.com site

    And WhoIsHostingThis.com confirms ??

    As such, a different approach is required. Have a read through this article for more info:


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