i have crosschecked my data base name and password and there is no error.
There has to be something missing or that doesn’t match in order to generate that error message.
Make sure the name of the WordPress database you created on the live server matches the name you put in wp-config.php exactly. That includes case and punctuation. The same applies to the username and password you assigned to the new database located on the live server. Those must appear exactly the same in wp-config.
Verify that the database host entry is “localhost” and not something different (unless it should be something different) – your live hosts user FAQ can easily answer that question, There is also a general list here for comparison –
Lastly, make sure you edited the wp-config file using a plain text editor only, and that all of the punctuation is still present after editing. It’s pretty easy to miss one of those single quotes. I’ve done it myself a time or two.
Some reference material: Editing wp-config.php