• Hi,
    I got the same error ?Error establishing a database connection? when I go to https://www.premiumvillacollection.com but if I don’t use the www. I can see the site.
    I checked the wp-config.php file and the record are ok.
    I cannot enter the wp admin page.
    I emailed the hosting company and I got this ?Upon reviewing your account, I show that these addresses are different because you have a redirect in your .htaccess file for premiumvillacollection.com that leads elsewhere. You will need to remove this redirect. Additionally, the database error is appearing because the connection string does not contain the correct log in credentials for the database. You will need to locate this information and add the updated credentials. ?

    Can anyone tell me what do exactly?
    thank you

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  • You need to edit your root .htaccess file using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    Hi Esmi,
    Ok and what should I edit.
    Sorry I don’t understand what they mean by remove the redirect. What should I look for?

    You need to edit the .htaccess file. We don’t know what is in it, so we can’t provide you with anything more specific at this time.

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    Can I post the code from .htaccess file here?

    Sure you can. ??

    Yes you can. If it’s very long, put it in code tags.

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache
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    Looks like the issues are being cause by your caching plugin (W3TC) – which makes this rather problematic and the fact that you used https://premiumvillacollection.com when you installed WordPress (not https://www.premiumvillacollection.com).

    I think the best thing you can do here is contact the plugin’s developers via https://www.w3-edge.com/contact/ and ask how you can turn it off outside of your Admin area.

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    Thanks Esmi.
    I will contact them.
    If I delete the plugin using the ftp will that be enough?
    I don’t even think that the plugin is activated.

    No – don’t delete the plugin without contacting the plugin’s developers first. Caching plugins need to be deactivated and uninstalled very carefully and each one uses a slightly different process.


    In your DB wp_option table check the value for option_name=siteurl and option_name=home

    In both cases you value should be https://www.premiumvillacollection.com

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    Hi Manish,

    I changed both to https://www.premiumvillacollection.com and it still doesn’t work.

    What I can suggest you,

    1: Once have a backup of your .htaccess file and delete from the server then try to access the site- If the problem with .htaccess file then problem will be solve.

    2: Check in your DB make it with www- If problem with DB then problem will be solve.

    Thread Starter photochoppy



    1: Delete and still doesn’t work. (and without the .htaccess file I can’t enter the site without the www.) – does it help to know this?
    2: Sorry, I didn’t understood what I was supposed to do.

    Thread Starter photochoppy


    I renamed the plugin folder and still have the problem.
    Any ideas?

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