Error establishing a database connection
I have two WordPress blogs … days ago I was in Domko … I decided to add 4 categories and go back thru his entire blog and “edit” a majority of the images (entries) to include one of these new categories.
Shortly after I did this I lost total ability to see anything related to my Web site. I contacted my webhost company and was told it had nothing to do with me but that someone with a similar IP was probably doing something non-intentional which was causing my site to shut down for an hour. It was supposedly a feature built in to the Web host to protect something or someone … well whatever … he insisted it wasn’t me and that the entire world could still see my web site, that I was the only one who couldn’t see it … :o| … I am still a little suspicious …
Wellllll … the next day I got up and everything was fine … I updated the two sites .. logged off and went to work.
I came home last night to update the two sites and now when I click my log-in link on the web ste I get the error message below without even getting the log-in screen.
I have not personally touched any of the PHP or HTM files.
I have had these sites for a while without a problem.
My Web Hosting company is pretty much clueless. They say to contact WordPress because they do not support that software and WordPress apparantly is telling me to contact my Web Hosting Compnay….
I don’t build or create datasbases for a living … so I have no idea what the problem can be or how to fix it but I would like to fix it asap … the Web Host company (which I spent over two hours on the phone with in the past 48 hours) says they will look into it but who knows how long that will take … I want it fixed today.
Does anyone have a simple answer for me? Since I didn’t do anything that produced an immediate error message I am not sure what it could be … but also … since I didn’t do anything that produced an immediate error message it makes me think that this must be a known problem … either with databases, web hosting or WordPress …
I really want this fixed and I reallllly dont want it to happen again.
Please helpppp …
Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at mysql. This could mean your host’s database server is down.Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
Are you sure that the database server is running?
If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.… sorry so long
Happy Wednesday
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