• bartleriche


    Hi there

    I’ve had the plugin running on the website of my client for a couple of months but recently it stopped working. So I checked out the settings and found out that the plugin was no longer connected to Mailchimp. I tried to connect it again but after it loaded for about half a minute I get the following error:

    POST to https://xxx.nl/index.php?mcsf_action=authorized&salt=xxxxxxxxxxxxxf&user_id=1 failed: couldn't connect to host

    So I checked with the hosting to see if they might have the servers I’m trying to connect to blacklisted. It turned out they didn’t, their reply:

    As can be found at https://xxxx/phpinfo.php , allow_url_fopen=On
    Our servers are firewalled to block outgoing connections via port 80, except for the IP addresses that are whitelisted.

    The IP addresses we can traceback for this connection, are already whitelisted.

    sopresto.socialize-this.com (
    login.mailchimp.com (
    several others, seen before via other clients

    If your feedback can contain all IP addresses used by this script, we can check if the blocking of an IP address can be the issue.

    I have no idea what is going wrong here, maybe you can help me out. Thanks!


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  • Hi there,

    I am having the same problem. Mailchimp version 1.4.2. WP Version is 3.8.5.

    This is a message from our host:

    Thanks for your reply.

    We do not block any connections to websites, so these should be available to connect without any issues.

    They should be able to login via oAuth without any issues as we do not block any websites from our server. The only thing we block is loop back connections. Can you confirm with MailChimp if this plugin now uses loop back connections at all?

    hello, i am also receiving a similar error when connecting. wp: 4.0; mc 1.4.2
    error message:

    POST to https://www.nectarcollector.org/index.php?mcsf_action=authorized&salt=f74bb45abda5af56379abc7944a3c88a&user_id=81 failed: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

    Hi there all,

    I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know that we’re working with the plugin developers at the moment to get these connection issues resolved.

    In the meantime, I’d recommend using a MailChimp embedded form code which can be grabbed from within your MailChimp account and placed on your website. Here is the help doc which walks through grabbing the embed form code from inside your account in MailChimp:

    – Add a Signup Form to Your Website: https://eepurl.com/gOGN

    We are working to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible and appreciate all of your patience! Let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with.

    – Kath

    I have received the following from our hosting company. Please help. Or can you recommend another an alternative..
    Hi Ike,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am sorry but their response does not say how mailchimp would be trying to connect. I would recommend checking with the mailchimp developers to see if their scripting makes use of http loopbacks. If it does, then this script cannot run on the shared hosting.

    Our servers prevent scripts making HTTP (port 80) connections back to the same server that they’re running on, as policy.

    This is done to prevent the possibility that mis-configured scripts could enter, essentially, an “infinite loop”, making call-backs to themselves. Such a situation is extremely detrimental to server performance, and would negatively impact other users also on this shared server.

    Unfortunately we are not able to lift this block on a per-site or per-script basis, so you will need to see if you are able to reconfigure the script (or contact the script authors for assistance doing this), or use an alternative script that doesn’t require HTTP requests to its own server.

    Hi there ikeswoop,

    My best suggestion would be to use the MailChimp embeddable form code which can be grabbed inside your MailChimp account.


    I’m not completely familiar with the HTTP requests related to the plugin and that’s something I’d need to get in touch with the developers about for clarity.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help and have a good day.


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