On linux (CentOS) I had to set the Gallery Settings FFMPEG libary path to /usr/bin/ffmpeg
This will cause the ffmpegcommandExists function in the lib/core.php to dump copious amounts of output to the error_log file on the server, slowing down web pages and loading up the disk with a bunch of error lgo fluff.
Running a valid license check and routing output to /dev/null allows the exec command to run without generating output but while still testing if the ffmpeg executable is available at the path specified:
I recommend the plugin developer add the noted options to the ffmpegcommandExists function:
* Function to check if ffmpeg is installed.
* @author Praveen Rajan
function ffmpegcommandExists() {
$options = get_option('cvg_settings');
$command = escapeshellarg($options['cvg_ffmpegpath']) . ' -L >/dev/null 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null';
exec($command, $output, $return);
if ($return <= 1) {
return true;
return false;
It appears to keep everything intact while no longer showing the ill side effects of the warnings being dumped to the log file, which is a LOT of extra disk I/O for naught.