error create recurring event
(apologies for my english)I’ve only started using this Events Made Easy plugin and I think it’s a fantastic job, the plugin of its most complete nature, I hope I can put it to work.
When trying to create a recurring event, I found this error
Error in the WordPress database: [Unknown column ‘event_author’ in ‘field list’]
INSERT INTO****_eme_events
, event_attributes,
, event_page_title_format,
, event_contactperson_email_body,
, event_registration_pending_email_body,
, event_registration_cancelled_email_body,
,event_external_ ref
) VALUES (‘Secretariat’, ‘5’, ‘2018-12-25’, ’18: 00: 00 ‘,’ 2018-12-25 ‘, ’20: 30: 00’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘EUR’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘-1’, ‘1’, ‘a: 0: {} ‘,’ a: 27: {s: 12: \ “auto_approve \”; i: 0; s: 14: \ “ignore_pending \”; i: 0; s: 7: \ “all_day \”; i: 0; s: 15: \ “take_attendance \”; i: 0; s: 11: \ “min_allowed \”; s: 1: \ “1 \”; s: 11: \ “max_allowed \”; s: 2: \ “10 \”; s: 15: \ “rsvp_end_target \”; s: 5: \ “start \”; s: 13: \ “rsvp_discount \”; s: 0: \ “\”; s: 17: \ “waitinglist_seats \”; i: 0; s: 18: \ “rsvp_discountgroup \”; s: 0: \ “\”; s: 12: \ “use_worldpay \”; i: 0; s: 10: \ “use_stripe \ “; i: 0; s: 13: \” use_braintree \ “; i: 0; s: 11: \” use_offline \ “; i: 0; s: 16: \” cancel_rsvp_days \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 27: \” event_page_title_format_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 29: \” event_single_event_format_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 34: \” event_contactperson_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 39: \” event_registration_recorded_ok_html_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 31: \” event_respondent_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 41: \” event_registration_pending_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 41: \” event_registration_updated_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 43: \” event_registration_cancelled_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 40: \” event_registration_denied_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 34: \” event_registration_form_format_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 28: \” event_cancel_form_format_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “; s: 38: \” event_registration_paid_email_body_tpl \ “; s: 1: \” 0 \ “;} ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ secretary / ‘,’ ‘,’ 0 ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘, ‘1’, ‘2017-12-08 01:14:58’, ‘2017-12-08 00:14:58’, ‘2017-12-08 01:14:58’, ‘2017-12-08 00 : 14: 58 ‘)Thank you,
José Carlos
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