• cemmel



    I just installed WordPress 2.0.1. The installation went w/o a hitch and I am able to log in. However, when I click the Write Post or Write Page tabs, I get the following error in an alert box:

    “Error: Could not find the template function: TinyMCE_advanced_getEditorTemplate”

    I get the same error in both IE and Firefox.

    I removed the database, recreated it, and ran the Word Press installer again, and I still get the same error.

    Any ideas?



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  • Hi i’m getting the same error, i’ve tried disabling all the plugins but i still get it ??

    Any ideas?

    bump, i’m still getting this ??

    I just installed the latest wordpress today and I’m getting this error also.

    That’s odd. The function is the one that calls in the WYSIWYG editor if I’m not mistaken.

    Try going to Users–>Your Profile–> and in the bottom left corner unchecking the box that says Use the visual rich editor when writing

    If that doesn’t work try downloading a fresh copy of wordpress, deleting /wp-admin and replacing it with the new one.

    Anybody found a solution for this? I just started having the same problem, right after I upgraded to 2.0.4.

    resiny, you’re correct about this being the command to call the WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE). You’re also correct about your temporary fix: turning off the visual rich editor makes the message stop. The error comes back on when the visual rich editor is turned back on.

    I tried your suggestion about replacing the /wp-admin directory from scratch. Still no good. Tried overwriting the tinymce directory, along with the whole /wp-includes directory. Also ineffective.

    Also, the message persists whether or not I have plugins turned on.

    I’ve found several threads on the board describing this issue, but none of them seem to spell out a solution — or, at the very least, explain why this problem crops up.


    I just installed wordpress today and am having this problem too. I messed around with the permissions, but it didn’t help.

    I got this message, too.

    I had the same problem. I was using version 2.0.2. I upgraded to 2.0.4 and I still have the same problem.

    I have another blog on the same server and it does not have that problem – it works fine.

    I even copied the /js folder from the blog that works to the one that does – and that didn’t help either.

    Please help,

    Ditto, with 2.0.5 ??

    Clean install, all files copied. Being as the same error is happening to so many people there must be a magic bullet out there, somewhere.

    I’m also getting this message when I try to write a post. I assume this is related to the fact that I can’t preview my posts either. It worked initially, about a month ago.

    Getting the same error. Just loaded and installed.

    I was able to fix this same problem (WP 2.0) by uploading the “advanced” folder (and all its contents) into this folder:


    the folder was otherwise empty. I found the problem by text searching all files downloaded initially (that I uploaded later to my site).


    i had uploaded the files to my server manually; must have missed uploading the advanced folder into wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes<br><br>the “advanced” folder (WordPress 2.0) should contain the following:

    • folder:css (3 files)
    • folder:images (1 folder, 61 files)
    • folder:jscripts (7 files)
    • folder:langs (1 file)
    • files (9)

    if you are uploading by hand, file by file, have a thinkful about DL’ing smartFTP (free trial version; fast and easy)…if i’d done that first, i’d never have even visited this thread

    Azwaldo, that’s strange. I downloaded the latest WordPress yesterday (jan 6 2007), and there are only 56 files in my images folder (wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/images).

    Regardless – I’ve been having this problem for about 2 months. I finally just re-installed the latest version, but that didn’t help. The only thing that has helped was un-checking the “use visual rich editor” box helps. Today! We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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