• Hello everyone. I know this question has appeared several times in the forums – believe me, I’ve read almost all of the entries – but I’m still plagued with a database connection error. This is my first go-around with any sort of website development and have had a hard crash-course in trial and error. The website was already created by someone else, but I’ve been asked to update and expand upon what has been done already.

    Just through experimenting and getting my feet wet, I accidentally changed the domain names in WordPress to an already existing domain. After several Google and WordPress FAQ searches, I’m fairly confident I was able to change the domain names back through phpMyAdmin in the “siteurl” and “home” sections of wp_options. However, in the process of realizing I could do that I also downloaded an installation of WordPress and tried to manually edit the wp-config-sample.php file to a wp-config.php file to fix it that way. What I currently have is as follows (private info deleted):

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘cowancreekmusic_org_-_databasename’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘databaseusername’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define (‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘databasepass’);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);


    I’ve tried every combination of username, domain_org_-_databasename, database name, memberID, member password and MySQL Doteasy host information that I can think of. I’ve entered, locahost, dprhcp108.doteasy.com, msql01:2083 and msql05:2083 (pretty sure I’m running mySQL version 5) into the DB_HOST line and I’m still getting a database connection error. phpMyAdmin says in the upper-left hand corner that my database is running on localhost, but it’s still not working for me.

    I’m not sure if I’ve screwed something up by trying to change the domain names in phpMyAdmin or if me trying to create this wp-config file is the issue – pretty sure it’s the latter though. Anybody have any thoughts? One idea (a very horrible and terrifying idea) I had was maybe deleting my installation of WordPress and my wp-config file off of my laptop – like I said, the website existed beforehand and was created by someone else, so maybe that’s somehow interfering with something and causing the error. I was too afraid of jeopardize the website to do that on my own though.

    Help?? Thanks in advance!

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