Error Cannot modify header information
Hello. I tried to rename one of the custom posts and then the following error appeared on my website:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /bla-bla-bla/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php:381) in /bla-bla-bla/ltdspace/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5946If I deactivate the plugin, everything works fine. If I activate it, the error appears again. Any idea how to fix it? I tried to delete the plugin and install it again, but it didn’t help.
Honestly not sure what’s going on there. Line 381 from our plugin with version 1.7.1 is linked to below and is just a foreach loop.
In terms of line 5946 from the WP core function, it’s a header() call
Basically somewhere in your install, something is invoking send_frame_options_header() and throwing things off. I sadly don’t have any sort of “do these things” solution for this case.
Hello Michael, i Have the same Problem and i dont understand whats causing it. I Also tried to reinstall the Plugin but it still did not work either ??
Could it be something with the newest WP version?
Kind Regards, Liam
Also i am using ACF Costum fields and there are some similar problems there to… maybe the problem is somehow connected i dont know much about coding:/ So maybe the Guys from WeDevs have noticed something.
This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
No known conflicts on our end for the latest WP and the latest CPTUI.
Is it the exact same error at
/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5946
that you’re seeing? or is it a different location possibly? Same question for the CPTUI line at/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php line 381
Closest i can find is that the function that that header() line is from is called on these two:
316:add_action( ‘login_init’, ‘send_frame_options_header’, 10, 0 );
357:add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘send_frame_options_header’, 10, 0 );For what it’s worth, re-installing won’t affect anything here, as the issue is coming up during init hook runs.
Hello Michael Thx for the fast reply:)
I get the same error on line 381, but the other error has a different line, but seems to be the same.
Here is the error getting displayed (i know php error logs tent to be not usefull for support, but maybe this one is):
Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
/homepages/36/bla-bla-bla bla-bla/htdocs/WastedSociety/wp-
includes/formatting.php on line 3380Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
includes/formatting.php on line 3380Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
includes/formatting.php on line 3380(i have censored some server related information)
Iam very bad with PhP and Javascript, so for me it is very difficult to find the issue, but it seems that there is something wrong with cpt ui or something new, that we have to care about when creating those post types. Maybe under certain circumstances, the php crashes due CPT UI. The error occured, after i set up a new post type after updating my wp version. After the error occured, i deleted the new post type, but the error was still existing. I firtst thaught it would something else, but after i logged out, i could not login to my backend again, because of this error. I had to temporarly deinstall the plugin, because the error blocked me from loggin in with wp-admin. So i had to delete the plugin with FTP. Hope you find something out, i dont want to use costum post type over a theme, because im scared, to loose those post types, when a update for the theme is out.
Kind regards and sorry for the long text
This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
Sorry, i dont know if the previous message went thru so im sending it again:
Hello Michael Thx for the fast reply:)
I get the same error on line 381, but the other error has a different line, but seems to be the same.
Here is the error getting displayed (i know php error logs tent to be not usefull for support, but maybe this one is):
Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
/homepages/36/bla-bla-bla bla-bla/htdocs/WastedSociety/wp-
includes/formatting.php on line 3380Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
includes/formatting.php on line 3380Warning: strlen) expects parameter 1 to be string, object
given in
includes/formatting.php on line 3380(i have censored some server related information)
Iam very bad with PhP and Javascript, so for me it is very difficult to find the issue, but it seems that there is something wrong with cpt ui or something new, that we have to care about when creating those post types. Maybe under certain circumstances, the php crashes due CPT UI. The error occured, after i set up a new post type after updating my wp version. After the error occured, i deleted the new post type, but the error was still existing. I firtst thaught it would something else, but after i logged out, i could not login to my backend again, because of this error. I had to temporarly deinstall the plugin, because the error blocked me from loggin in with wp-admin. So i had to delete the plugin with FTP. Hope you find something out, i dont want to use costum post type over a theme, because im scared, to loose those post types, when a update for the theme is out.
Kind regards and sorry for the long text
LiamNothing in the provided error logs is able to help me at all Line 3380 in formatting.php is a line inside an
check and we don’t utilize that function at all.That said, even still, there’s nothing I can see that I could consider changing here. It’s a case of 2 people reporting a similar issue out of thus far our entire userbase. I definitely want to help, but I need leads and the ability to reproduce on my own. As is, the only thing I have is that two different things are being run on the
hook.Can you use the Tools > Debug Info tab to get me a copy of the debug info. Something may present itself there or at least I could see about any plugins that look like they could be contributing as well.
Hello Micheal Thanks for the reply and the:)
I have now reinstalled cpt ui and deleted all my Post types. the error is gone, but comes back as soon as i create a Post type.
I Have tried to change my theme and the latest installed Plugins, but it does not help:/ Maybe you could tell me, what usually could cause such a problem with the init hook.Here would be the Debug mode:
Notice: (Neve Pro Addon: 1.1.2/Orbit Fox Companion: 2.8.13 was deactivated after this was copied)
### Begin Custom Post Type UI Debug Info ###
Multisite: No
HOME_URL: https://wastedsociety.chWordPress Version: 5.3
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Active Theme: Astra 2.1.3Registered Post Types: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, custom_css, customize_changeset, oembed_cache, user_request, wp_block, elementor_library, acf-field-group, acf-field, wpcf7_contact_form, dj_portfolios, dj_service, pafe-form-database, wppb-roles-editor, wpuf_profile, wpuf_coupon, wpuf_subscription, wpuf_forms, wpuf_input, jet-engine-booking, jet-engine, elementor_font, elementor_icons
PHP Version: 7.3.12
MySQL Version: 5.7.27
Web Server Info: ApacheShow On Front: page
Page On Front: Wastedsociety (#91)
Page For Posts: Edit Profile 1 (#0)WordPress Memory Limit: 40MB
Advanced Custom Fields PRO: 5.8.7
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.3
Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Speed Booster:
CM Custom Reports Pro: 1.2.0
Contact Form 7: 5.1.5
Custom Post Type UI: 1.7.1
Elementor: 2.7.5
Elementor Pro: 2.7.3
Element Pack: 4.1.0
Happy Elementor Addons: 2.3.0
Happy Elementor Addons Pro: 1.0.0
iframe: 4.4
JetBooking: 1.0.2
JetElements For Elementor: 2.1.5
JetEngine: 2.1.4
JetTricks: 1.2.3
Orbit Fox Companion: 2.8.13
Piotnet Addons For Elementor: 2.2.0
Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro: 5.15.11
Profile Builder – Custom CSS Classes on fields: 1.0.4
Profile Builder – Customization Toolbox Add-On: 1.0.8
Profile Builder – List user meta with a shortcode: 1.2
Profile Builder Pro: 3.0.6
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.16.20
WP User Frontend: 3.1.13
WP User Frontend Pro – business: 3.1.11INACTIVE PLUGINS: (2)
Neve Pro Addon: 1.1.2
WP Rocket: Types:
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[]### End Debug Info ###
Will see what I can deduce with this, if anything.
What confuses me the most is that at line 381 in our plugin, we don’t send any output.
If you haven’t yet, and are able, could you try deactivating other plugins to see if it goes away during that time? I’m not seeing a lot of plugins that I recognize and may not be publicly available for me to check out.
If you find it does go away after deactivating a different plugin than CPTUI, but then comes back once that one is re-activated, we probably have our culprit for conflict of some sort.
Still not managing to recreate at all myself.
I am legit curious if there’s any crossover/sharing of active plugins between @liamc and @logaritym
Hello Michael, Thank you a lot:)
It is the WPUser Frontend Plugin, wich was causing this errors :/
After deactivating WP user frontend, creating post types was no problem anymore. But the WP User frontend PLugin is also from WeDevs, so i think they should be compatible… I Would really need the WP User frontend togheter with the CPT UI.You May check this one out it is a new topic running in the WP User frontend Support section: it is connected to the same Problem. I Will link this topic in the Support topic mentioned above.
Kind Regards
LiamFor what it’s worth, it’s likely not a case of anything that one plugin is doing that is directly “targeted” or “conflicted” with the other one.
It’s likely more they’re both trying to do their own thing and some results from one is happening to cause issues with the other.
That said, I could believe some general errors being output to the browser, like that strlen error, causing header issues like experienced here. If they can provide information about what they changed to fix the issue, I could technically help you patch it up on your own.
I’ve done some extra digging, and I would bet money on this change being the fix needing made:
Specifically the
is_string( $id_or_email )
part being added.It is a change on their side rather than ours, but I’m confident here. Chances are it’ll remove the strlen errors above and thus stop the headers from being sent early, and everything working together.
hello Michael thank you very much!
This fixed another problem i had within Pages ??But the fatal error still comes up as soon as i create a new post type or update one. I Found a workaround. if i simply deactivate WP User frontend before creating or updating CPTs with CPT UI, the error does not accure, even when reactivating WP User frontend afterwards. So i could life with that, simply need to pay attention to first deactivating WP User Frontend, before doing any Updates.
But what confuses me a bit is, that i did no costum changes tho the wordpress code or themes etc. The only Plugins wich, in my beliefe, could change some background code are Profile Builder, Wp User frontend, Costum CPT UI, Asset Cleanup , AFC and Piotnet Elements.
If i understand this right there must be a wrong setting inside a certain plugin wich would cause that? I Jus thinked about a Bug within WP User frontend, because i used all of those other Plugins mentioned above befor installing WP User frontend and CPT UI and it also worked. But im Really not an expert.
Im am so Glad you took the time to help me. Thank you very much i now have a workaround and im back in business ??
1) Realistically unless you’re in active development or adding custom content types regularly, you shouldn’t have need to deactivate/reactivate things here.
2) “Headers already sent” errors pretty much mean *something* was sent to the browser, even something as simple as white space or in this case, probably an error message originating from somewhere, before the rest of things can get finished doing their thing, thus causing this error once they try to. Code that needed to run and do things before the output started.
If you have error reporting turned on that would cause error logging to show through to the browser, that’s probably contributing factor, and getting those hidden from general viewing would alleviate the issue too.
This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
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