I’m using the BruteProtect plugin Version 2.0.4 and just now I couldn’t log in to my site and it took a significant amount of time for the login form to appear. Once it did, I entered my username and password and got this:
Error BP100: This site is not properly configured. Please ask this site’s web developer to review for information on how to resolve this issue.
There’s no math capthcha seen.
Clicking the link referenced in the error call out above I get this:
“Error BP100 indicates that your login form is not properly configured. When the BruteProtect plugin is unable to connect to our API server, we fall back to a math-based CAPTCHA to protect your site. In order for this to work, we rely on the “login_form” action hook, which is included on the built in WordPress login form, and should be included on any non-standard forms. If you’re receiving this error, that is an indication that this hook is not being invoked.
How to fix
Simply add:
<?php do_action( 'login_form' ); ?>
within the HTML of your login form, between the <form> and </form>
Okay, the captcha is obviously not being invoked and I’m using the standard built-in WordPress 3.9.1 login form. I’m using no non-standard forms.
I moved the BruteProtect plugin to another directory I use for the occasional misbehaving via FTP and I was able to log in. I moved the plugin back (into “wp-contents”) and reactivated it via my WP admin. I logged out, waited a few minutes and attempted to log in again and this time I got in with no problem with BruteProtect activated.
Looks like the latest version of BruteProtect isn’t falling back to the math captcha correctly in my case. My site is a standard WordPress installation (and has been for over 8 years) and has never used any non-standard forms.
For now I’m leaving BruteProtect activated. If the problem happens again without falling back to the captcha then I’ll leave it deactivated.