error backup
error when i try tu backup de data. here the code:
[STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Buscando archivo ejecutable PHP CLI. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Nombre del archivo PHP CLI:php [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Versión de PHP CLI:7.3.33 (cli) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Límite de memoria de PHP CLI:256M/512M [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Límite de ejecución de PHP CLI:0/0 [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:01] Hemos detectado correctamente el archivo ejecutable PHP CLI. [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Se inició correctamente la copia de seguridad a través de PHP CLI. [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Iniciando la copia de seguridad... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Versión de Backup & Migration: 1.1.6 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Sitio al que se hará la copia de seguridad: ***site_url*** [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Versión de PHP: 7.3.33 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] WP Version: 6.0 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Servidor web: No disponible [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Tiempo máximo de ejecución (en segundos): 259200 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Máximo de filas por consulta (este sitio): 500 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Comprobando si el directorio de la copia de seguridad tiene permisos de escritura... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Inicializando el gestor de errores personalizado [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Sí, tiene permiso de escritura... [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Explorando archivos... [WARN] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Este archivo es bastante grande, considera excluirlo, si la copia de seguridad falla: ***ABSPATH***/videos/BONUS TRACK.mp4 (110.15 MB) [WARN] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Este archivo es bastante grande, considera excluirlo, si la copia de seguridad falla: *****.zip (230.28 MB) [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Comprobando espacio libre, reservando... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Necesita, al menos, 1064177438 bytes. [1014.88 MB] [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] La función de espacio libre en el disco no está desactivada - usándola... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Comprobando esta ruta o partición: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Hay 1,160,152.83 MB libres. [1.11 TB] [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] ?Genial! Tenemos espacio suficiente. [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Confirmado, hay espacio más que suficiente, comprobados: 1064177438 bytes [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Exploración completa - encontrados 21874 archivos... [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Copia de seguridad iniciada... [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Iniciando sistema de archivo... [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Sistema de archivo iniciado... [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Preparando asignación de archivos... [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Archivos listos. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Iniciando proceso de compresión... [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Cálculo de memoria inteligente... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Hay 384 MBs de memoria utilizable [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Límite de memoria de WordPress: 256 MB [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Estableciendo el límite seguro en 86 MB [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Realizando copia de seguridad de base de datos (utilizando motor V2, requiere al menos V1.1.0 para restaurar) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Iterando la base de datos... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Memory usage after initialization: 70.95 MB [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Scan found 75 tables (8547 rows), estimated total size: 12.6 MB. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Memory usage after getting table names: 70.99 MB [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting table recipes... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table recipes have been exported. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Memory usage after loading recipes: 71.07 MB [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Saving recipes... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Recipes saved. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 71.02 MB [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Exporting table data... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_actionscheduler_actions (0.13 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00092 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00089 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00105 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_commentmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_comments (0.11 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00464 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_learndash_user_activity (0.17 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_learndash_user_activity cloned, operation took: 0.00442 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_learndash_user_activity_meta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_learndash_user_activity_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00359 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_links (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_links cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_loginizer_logs (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_loginizer_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00051 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_mail_bank (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_mail_bank cloned, operation took: 0.00045 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_mail_bank_logs (0.24 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_mail_bank_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00749 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_mail_bank_meta (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_mail_bank_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00052 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_newsletter (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_newsletter cloned, operation took: 0.00123 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_newsletter_emails (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_newsletter_emails cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_newsletter_sent (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_newsletter_sent cloned, operation took: 0.00013 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_newsletter_stats (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_newsletter_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00012 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_newsletter_user_logs (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Table: wpuk_newsletter_user_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:02] Getting data of table: wpuk_options (2.20 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_options cloned, operation took: 0.05989 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes_levels (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes_uses (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_discount_codes_uses cloned, operation took: 0.00184 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_levelmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_levelmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00078 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_levels (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00047 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_ordermeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_ordermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00013 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_orders (0.22 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_membership_orders cloned, operation took: 0.01278 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_categories (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_pages (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_pages cloned, operation took: 0.00057 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_users (0.16 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_pmpro_memberships_users cloned, operation took: 0.01027 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_postmeta (0.55 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.03927 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_posts (5.64 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_posts cloned, operation took: 0.18213 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_term_relationships (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00094 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_termmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00053 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_terms (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00084 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_usermeta (0.52 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.06162 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_users (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_users cloned, operation took: 0.00246 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_users-respaldo-1022 (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_users-respaldo-1022 cloned, operation took: 0.00754 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_admin_note_actions (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_admin_note_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00456 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_admin_notes (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_admin_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00648 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_category_lookup (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_category_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00052 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_customer_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_customer_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00138 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_order_coupon_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_order_coupon_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00118 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_order_product_lookup (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_order_product_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00151 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_order_stats (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_order_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00164 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_order_tax_lookup (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_order_tax_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_product_meta_lookup (0.11 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_product_meta_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00129 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_reserved_stock (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_reserved_stock cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_tax_rate_classes (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_tax_rate_classes cloned, operation took: 0.00061 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wc_webhooks (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wc_webhooks cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_api_keys (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_api_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions cloned, operation took: 0.00103 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_log (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_log cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_order_itemmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00608 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_order_items (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_order_items cloned, operation took: 0.00179 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_payment_tokens (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_payment_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_sessions (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00049 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zones (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_shipping_zones cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_woocommerce_tax_rates (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_woocommerce_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00014 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_category (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_category cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_form (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_form cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_lock (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_lock cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_master (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_master cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_prerequisite (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_prerequisite cloned, operation took: 0.00014 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_question (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_question cloned, operation took: 0.00014 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_statistic (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_statistic cloned, operation took: 0.00014 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_statistic_ref (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_statistic_ref cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_template (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_template cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_toplist (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wp_pro_quiz_toplist cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Getting data of table: wpuk_wpforms_tasks_meta (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table: wpuk_wpforms_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00051 ms [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Table data exported. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Memory usage after data export: 71.01 MB [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Entire process took: 0.6063 s [SUCCESS] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Finalizó la copia de seguridad de la base de datos [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Creando archivo [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Comprimiendo... [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Usando el módulo PclZip para crear la copia de seguridad [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Ajuste heredado: uso de módulos por defecto dependiendo del servidor del usuario [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] La copia de seguridad está siendo ejecutada en ambiente PHP CLI. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:03] Los trozos contienen 4000 archivos. [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:08] Objetivo: 4000/21874 [INFO] [2022-05-31 14:21:15] Objetivo: 8000/21874 [ERROR] [2022-05-31 14:21:15] Problemas durante la copia de seguridad (empaquetando)... <strong>[ERROR] [2022-05-31 14:21:15] PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL (-2) : Unable to open file '***ABSPATH***/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/.htaccess.cpmh3129' in binary read mode [ERROR] [2022-05-31 14:21:15] Algo ha ido mal (PclZip): eliminando los archivos de la copia de seguridad... [STEP] [2022-05-31 14:21:15] Abortando la copia de seguridad...</strong> [DESCARGA GENERADA] Archivo descargado el (hora del servidor):2022-05-31 14:21:30 [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización hace (segundos):15 segundos [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización (fecha): 2022-05-31 14:21:15
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