• Resolved josemarcelo2016


    Hola: Cuando voy a realizar la compra y aprieto el botón “realizar el pedido” me da el siguiente error:

    “Se produjo un error al procesar su pago, por favor inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto para obtener ayuda.”

    la página es https://www.casaeltrebol.com.ar

    Me he fijado en el archivo log del registro y me dice lo siguiente:

    04-29-2016 @ 18:30:24 – Payment arguments for order 1890: Array
    [back_urls] => Array
    [success] => https://casaeltrebol.com.ar/checkout/order-received/1890?key=wc_order_5723a83daa1b2
    [failure] => https://casaeltrebol.com.ar/carrito/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5723a83daa1b2&order_id=1890&redirect&_wpnonce=0ae7ced366
    [pending] => https://casaeltrebol.com.ar/checkout/order-received/1890?key=wc_order_5723a83daa1b2

    [payer] => Array
    [name] => jose
    [surname] => lito
    [email] => [email protected]

    [external_reference] => WC-1890
    [items] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [quantity] => 1
    [unit_price] => 1250
    [currency_id] => ARS
    [title] => Pedido 1890 – Zapatero x 1



    04-29-2016 @ 18:30:24 – Getting client credentials…
    04-29-2016 @ 18:30:25 – Received invalid response from MercadoPago. Error response: Array
    [headers] => Array
    [date] => Fri, 29 Apr 2016 18:30:25 GMT
    [content-type] => application/json;charset=UTF-8
    [connection] => close
    [vary] => Accept,Accept-Encoding
    [cache-control] => max-age=0
    [x-content-type-options] => nosniff
    [x-request-id] => a7aac94b-c99d-4151-949c-6a9bacfee112
    [access-control-allow-origin] => *
    [access-control-allow-headers] => Content-Type
    [access-control-allow-methods] => PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
    [access-control-max-age] => 86400
    [x-xss-protection] => 1; mode=block
    [strict-transport-security] => max-age=15724800

    [body] => {“message”:”invalid client_id or client_secret.”,”error”:”invalid_client”,”status”:400,”cause”:[]}
    [response] => Array
    [code] => 400
    [message] => Bad Request

    [cookies] => Array

    [filename] =>

    04-29-2016 @ 18:30:26 - Generate payment error response: Array
    [headers] => Array
    [date] => Fri, 29 Apr 2016 18:30:26 GMT
    [content-type] => application/json;charset=UTF-8
    [connection] => close
    [x-mlapi-version] => 2.0.96
    [vary] => Accept,Accept-Encoding
    [cache-control] => max-age=0
    [x-libra-upstreamhost] =>
    [x-gav] => master
    [x-content-type-options] => nosniff
    [x-nginx-host] => e-0000959e
    [x-nginx-pool] => checkout-api-webserver-write-master
    [x-nginx-upstreamhost] =>
    [x-request-id] => bec5c577-2f10-4c9c-8ced-3ee280bfb14d
    [access-control-allow-origin] => *
    [access-control-allow-headers] => Content-Type
    [access-control-allow-methods] => PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
    [access-control-max-age] => 86400

    [body] => {"message":"access denied","error":"invalid_access_token","status":401,"cause":[]}
    [response] => Array
    [code] => 401
    [message] => Unauthorized

    [cookies] => Array

    [filename] =>

    necesito que me ayuden!!



Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • Pudiste solucionarlo? me empezo a hacer lo mismo!! con el plugin de Claudio y con el oficial de MercadoPAgo

    Me está pasando lo mismo, pero con otro error. Y NO he cambiado nada en el sitio. Empezó a aparecer el error de la nada.

    06-21-2016 @ 13:36:39 - Payment arguments for order 7164: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] => https://www.standupargentina.com.ar/finalizar-comprar/order-received/7164?key=wc_order_57696d1229c77
                [failure] => https://www.standupargentina.com.ar/resumen/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_57696d1229c77&order_id=7164&redirect
                [pending] => https://www.standupargentina.com.ar/finalizar-comprar/order-received/7164?key=wc_order_57696d1229c77
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Seba
                [surname] => Guidobono
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => SUA-7164
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 136.8
                        [currency_id] => ARS
                        [title] => Pedido 7164 - 3 a las 3 - Palermo (24/06 Trasnoche) x 2
        [payment_methods] => Array
                [excluded_payment_methods] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [id] => pagofacil
                        [1] => Array
                                [id] => redlink
                        [2] => Array
                                [id] => bapropagos
                        [3] => Array
                                [id] => cargavirtual
                        [4] => Array
                                [id] => rapipago
    06-21-2016 @ 13:36:39 - Getting client credentials...
    06-21-2016 @ 13:36:39 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    06-21-2016 @ 13:36:40 - Generate payment error response: Array
        [headers] => Array
                [date] => Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:36:40 GMT
                [content-type] => application/json;charset=UTF-8
                [connection] => close
                [x-mlapi-version] => 2.0.96
                [vary] => Accept,Accept-Encoding
                [cache-control] => max-age=0
                [x-libra-upstreamhost] =>
                [x-gav] => master
                [x-content-type-options] => nosniff
                [x-nginx-host] => e-00002d03
                [x-nginx-pool] => checkout-api-webserver-write-master
                [x-nginx-upstreamhost] =>
                [x-request-id] => 6b5acee9-f0c2-4b82-b632-7ff53fd7a74e
                [access-control-allow-origin] => *
                [access-control-allow-headers] => Content-Type
                [access-control-allow-methods] => PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
                [access-control-max-age] => 86400
        [body] => {"message":"back_urls invalid. Wrong format","error":"invalid_back_urls","status":400,"cause":[]}
        [response] => Array
                [code] => 400
                [message] => Bad Request
        [cookies] => Array
        [filename] =>

    Pude resolver mi problema cambiando una linea del archivo “class-wc-mercadopago-gateway.php” ubicado en “html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-mercadopago/includes

    ‘failure’ => str_replace( ‘UMPamp;’, ‘&’, $order->get_cancel_order_url() ),


    ‘failure’ => str_replace( ‘UMP#038;’, ‘&’, $order->get_cancel_order_url() ),

    DONDE DICE UMP va & (pero no lo muestra bien si lo agrego
    Por eso me decia que la URL era invalida… estaba codificando mal el “&”
    Espero les ayude a ustedes también

    Me pasa lo mismo
    “Se produjo un error al procesar su pago, por favor inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto para obtener ayuda.”

    A mi me empezo a pasar lo mismo con el de Claudio y el oficial! AYUDA!!

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    I’ll release a new version today fixing it.

    Gracias sguidobono!

    Hice el equivalente en el plugin oficial en


    G R A C I A S

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    Hey guys, fixed in 2.0.2.

    Lo arreglé temporariamente en la línea 558 de mercadopago-gateway.php en el plugin oficial.

    Agregué esto abajo:
    ‘failure’ => str_replace( ‘&’, ‘&’, $order->get_cancel_order_url() ),

    ups, me cambia el código

    ‘failure’ => str_replace( ‘& # 038;’, ‘&’, $order->get_cancel_order_url() ),

    Va sin espacios entre el ” & # 038 ”

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    The error continue a pending y success with version 2.03:

    [back_urls] => Array
    [success] => https://www.site.com/?page_id=6&order-received=42729&key=wc_order_576990ecc6013
    [failure] => https://www.site.com/?page_id=5&cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_576990ecc6013&order_id=42729&redirect&_wpnonce=9e821e9eb2
    [pending] => https://www.site.com/?page_id=6&order-received=42729&key=wc_order_576990ecc6013


    [body] => {“message”:”back_urls invalid. Wrong format”,”error”:”invalid_back_urls”,”status”:400,”cause”:[]}
    [response] => Array

    Log with 2.0.3:

    [back_urls] => Array
    [success] => https://www.s i te.com/?page_id=6 & # 038;order-received=42729&key=wc_order_576990ecc6013
    [failure] => https://www.s i te.com/?page_id=5&cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_576990ecc6013&order_id=42729&redirect&_wpnonce=9e821e9eb2
    [pending] => https://www.s i te.com/?page_id=6 & # 038;order-received=42729&key=wc_order_576990ecc6013


    [body] => {“message”:”back_urls invalid. Wrong format”,”error”:”invalid_back_urls”,”status”:400,”cause”:[]}
    [response] => Array

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    @learck try version 2.0.4.

    Muchas gracias!

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