RESOLVED by myself: I forgot to upload the root directory of WP. So please feel free to ignore my ignorance. I got so swept up in backing up the right stuff that I lost track of my steps.
Fatal Error achieved:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_remote_request() in [ hosting account]/html/wp-includes/update.php on line 58
Occasionally, I also get the error in cron.php on line 201.
I did everything instructed:
1. Delete wp-admin.
2. Delete wp-includes.
3. Back up wp-content.
4. Delete wp-content.
5. Upload wp-content.
6. Run upgrade.
7. Upgrade Database (WP’s upgrade system said I needed to, so I did).
That’s when I got the above fatal error.
I then tried to re-upload my plugins (all one of them) and themes (all one of them), and still achieved a fail.