• First off, excellent plug-in. Thank you for making this available!

    Quick question: I have created a sign-up and everything seems to be working, except that during testing I get a “Error adding signup record. Please try again”.

    However, the plug-in successfully sends out the email, and logs the name/info for the filled out form, and checks of the sign-up as being filled on the front sign-up sheet.

    Any info or help would be appreciated. Again, thanks for your work on this plug-in!



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  • Brian,

    Thank you for reporting this. I will have to dig in deeper to see what the specific issue is, but as a quick fix to get your set up working, you can comment out the following line in the sign-up-sheets.php (should be at or near line 166) by added the double forward slash before the line. As soon as I get a chance to research further I will update this post.

    $return .= '<p class="dls-sus error">'.__('Error adding signup record. Please try again.').'</p>';

    //$return .= '<p class="dls-sus error">'.__('Error adding signup record. Please try again.').'</p>';

    Hi…I am getting the same error. I have added the // and I no longer get the error. I am also not getting an confirmation email after I sign up. Is commenting out this line and not receiving an email related?

    Thread Starter Brian in Baltimore


    What I did to work around this is to just change the ‘Error adding signup record. Please try again’ to a positive ‘Thank you for signing up’ message, in addition to changing the img assigned to the “dls-sus error” class in the style sheet.

    Thanks Brian. Do the email notifications work for you when somebody signs up?

    Commenting out the lines mentioned above did not fix the issue for me. However, I did notice that this issue is only related to IE. When using chrome, it seems to work. IE won’t even add the record to the list.

    I haven’t been able to recreate this issue yet, but if you wouldn’t mind, please make these temporary modifications which will change the error message you are getting to include more details. Then let me know the new error message you receive. If you prefer to send this information privately you can contact us through https://www.dlssoftwarestudios.com/contact-us/

    Replace the line I had you comment out earlier in this topic in the file sign-up-sheets.php with…

    $return .= '<p class="dls-sus error">'.__('Error adding signup record. Please try again.').' ERROR DETAIL: '.print_r($this->data->err, true).'</p>';

    Then, in data.php below the line at the top that says public $tables = array(); add…

    public $err = array();

    Then replace the entire add_signup() method with the following code

    public function add_signup($fields, $task_id)
            $clean_fields = $this->clean_array($fields, 'signup_');
            $clean_fields = array_intersect_key($clean_fields, $this->tables['signup']['allowed_fields']);
            $clean_fields['task_id'] = $task_id;
            // Check if signup spots are filled
            $task = $this->get_task($task_id);
            $signups = $this->get_signups($task_id);
            if (count($signups) >= $task->qty) {
                $this->err['add_signup'][] = 'All spots are filled.';//debug
                return false;
            $result = $this->wpdb->insert('asdf', $clean_fields);
            if ($result === false) $this->err['add_signup'][] = 'Error when inserting signup... (START MYSQL ERROR) '.print_r(mysql_error(), true).' (START MYSQL ERROR)';//debug
            return $result;

    We have just posted an update to the plugin. One of the new features is to be able to turn on detailed error reporting through the admin Settings > Sign-up Sheets menu. Instead of making the code changes above, please feel free to upgrade and turn on the detailed error messages which may provide some clue as to what is going on.

    I now get the following error when signing up:

    Error adding signup. All spots are filled.

    This happens when there are still available spots left. I turned on detailed error messages, but the message did not change.

    @hermesnl, can you try changing line #247 of data.php (starting with “throw new”) to the code below…

    throw new SUS_Data_Exception('Error adding signup. All spots are filled.'. (($this->detailed_errors === true) ? ' Current Signups: '.count($signups).', Total Spots:'.$task->qty : ''));

    Then try running your test again with detailed errors on and let me know the error message you get. You should now get a little more data.

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