I haven’t been able to recreate this issue yet, but if you wouldn’t mind, please make these temporary modifications which will change the error message you are getting to include more details. Then let me know the new error message you receive. If you prefer to send this information privately you can contact us through https://www.dlssoftwarestudios.com/contact-us/
Replace the line I had you comment out earlier in this topic in the file sign-up-sheets.php with…
$return .= '<p class="dls-sus error">'.__('Error adding signup record. Please try again.').' ERROR DETAIL: '.print_r($this->data->err, true).'</p>';
Then, in data.php below the line at the top that says public $tables = array();
public $err = array();
Then replace the entire add_signup() method with the following code
public function add_signup($fields, $task_id)
$clean_fields = $this->clean_array($fields, 'signup_');
$clean_fields = array_intersect_key($clean_fields, $this->tables['signup']['allowed_fields']);
$clean_fields['task_id'] = $task_id;
// Check if signup spots are filled
$task = $this->get_task($task_id);
$signups = $this->get_signups($task_id);
if (count($signups) >= $task->qty) {
$this->err['add_signup'][] = 'All spots are filled.';//debug
return false;
$result = $this->wpdb->insert('asdf', $clean_fields);
if ($result === false) $this->err['add_signup'][] = 'Error when inserting signup... (START MYSQL ERROR) '.print_r(mysql_error(), true).' (START MYSQL ERROR)';//debug
return $result;