Maybe your webhost is blocking access to the MailChimp API servers.
To fix it, you should ask your webhost for the following URL to be whitelisted: https://*.api.mailchimp.com
If that’s not it, it might be that you are blocked in the MailChimp firewall.
Akamai is the firewall MailChimp and many other major websites use to protect their servers, which is why this is somewhat harder to fix.
When this happens, we recommend you to change your IP address because having a bad reputation at Akamai does not just affect the MailChimp API.
There are various ways to go about this.
Ask your webhost for a new IP address.
Migrate to a new webhost if your hosting company is unwilling to fulfill your request.
Configure your server to connect to the MailChimp API server using a proxy.
If you have SSH access to your server, running the following command provides a quick way to test if remote requests to the MailChimp server should actually work and what exactly is going on.
curl -v https://us1.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/?apikey=test
Replace us1 with the characters in the end or your API key, after the minus sign.
Replace test with everything in front of the minus sign of your API key.
If you are able to run this SSH command line, or you can ask your hosting provider to do this (don’t forget to replace the us1 and the test part for them before forwarding it to them) so we can make sure what the problem really is. So it would be best to try this first, if possible.
Also see: https://mc4wp.com/kb/solving-connectivity-issues/
Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let us know!