• Resolved tlozano


    Hi, thank you for your plugin, I want to use it to register users and send to a group into Mailer Lite, but I do all the steps to create the feed and, when I fill the form into Gravity Forms, I get and error 422 into the plugin and the contact is not added to the mailer litle group. I get this error (email)

    Error 422 Unprocessable Entity code: 422 message: Unprocessable entity

    What can I do?


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  • Plugin Contributor David Perez


    Hello, That’s the message from the API. I think that MailerLite has to say something about that. You can share with them the JSON that is in the email.

    Thread Starter tlozano


    Ok, It is a field problem. I’ll check all field, one to one, to get the problem. Thank you

    Plugin Contributor David Perez


    Ok! Let me know where is the problem and I’ll try to help you!

    Thread Starter tlozano


    I disabled all fields and I have add one to one. One of the field of the feed was too long, I disabled it and now works fine. Thank you.

    Plugin Contributor David Perez


    I’m glad that you’ve solved. Regards!

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