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  • Plugin Author AITpro


    This is another possibility that seems much more likely.
    The issue has something to do with Zend and your PHP Server version.

    To disable Zend for testing you would need to edit your php.ini file and comment out the Zend directive.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    This is an old post in the General WordPress Forum and I have now come across several other posts here and there on Google where folks were describing the exact same symptoms – 324 error in Chrome and other Browsers not working either.

    In all cases uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome on that computer fixed the problem. Even though you may have separate Browser applications installed on your computer they all use similar/same processes/resources on your computer so logically all Browsers could be affected by a corrupt or compromised Chrome Browser application installed on your computer. Uninstall and reinstall the Chrome Browser application on your computer.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Based on my short spin around Google:

    90% odds are that this is client-side – your computer, your Internet connection, your router…

    10% odds that this is Server-side.

    So all of this has to do with my copy of Google Chrome? No way!!! Every Browser is choking on WordPress right now. IE 10, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox . . . And when one of the major PC mags pressed you guys on what’s the hold up on 3.6 the response was cryptic and not very forthcoming. Basically, it implied there were major security issues with it. In other words, “we know 3.5.2 hasn’t fixed the problem, and we’re not sure if 3.6 in it’s present form can either. Well, I am not going to remove everyone one of my browsers just because WordPress suddenly trashed out. Why did my problem start suddenly on June 25th 2013???? I can work backdoor on other WordPress sites so I know this an isolated but growing problem that dates back years. Blame the users before you blame yourselves is common place in the open market. I won’t be holding my breath here but I will be monitoring everything!

    Plugin Author AITpro


    hmm I think you are under the impression that I work for WordPress or represent WordPress in some way or can speak on behalf of WordPress. I am a Plugin Author and am not directly affiliated with WordPress.

    What I discovered by searching around the Internet is that many folks had this problem and the majority of them fixed the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling the Google Chrome Browser on their computer. This makes sense to me since I was a computer Tech for around 10 years, then did Network Administration and finally worked as a Network Engineer until I grew bored of working on computers and computer Networks and now do Software Engineering & Development.

    In my many years of experience in the computer industry I have fixed many Browser related problems and have first hand experience that uninstalling and reinstalling a single corrupt or compromised Browser application can and will fix all other Browser problems on a computer. As I mentioned before all of your Browser applications installed on a computer share similar/same resources and processes.

    Try uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome on this computer and see what happens. This should only take you about 5-10 minutes to do.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    And of course if it is not your Google Chrome Browser application you would then continue to troubleshoot logically. A good starting point is to check your Server’s Log files.

    Well now I can’t log in to my blog site so what does it matter now? This is ridiculous. Jinx or tamper?

    There are no errors logged. It has been on since the problems started. Nothing is being reported.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    I guess you could install a test site in another folder under this hosting account and see what happens. If you can log into that site then you can conclude that your site is damaged some how. Possibly database corruption/damage. Other than that I think I am out of ideas at this point.

    UPDATE: Try this…I am now LOCKED OUT of my own administration sites for both WordPress and now Joomla. This also includes FTP access using FIleZilla on my end. Hosting site declares no problems. Contacted ISP who are now checking on their end. Went to my neighbor’s house (just 2 doors down from me who uses same ISP!!) Entered site with NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER!~ Insult to injury. I have tightened up my Wireless modem to max tight tonight. There is NO EVIDENCE of a direct hack. However I did get 30 “site lock outs” tonight from various places.

    I should mention that I can access my FTP via my hosting service’s access page. FileZilla is tied down just like I am …can’t access my sites. But I can access other WordPress sites I manage using the same hosting service. They are all using WP 3.5.2. In addition, I tried 4 different computers in my house. Same things happens with them as well.

    KICKER: My Adroid using my cell service ISP gets into my sites just fine. The minute I hook up my ISP…it’s lights out.

    Anybody want to take a stab at this new wrinkle???

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Professional hackers do not leave any evidence or clues that the average person will find/figure out.

    Before you assume the worst that all of your computers are hacked (botnet) you should assume that you have a faulty router, a line (DSL) problem, a Cable problem, a Network Interface Device (NID) problem, bad CAT cables, frayed lines/cables/loose connections/worn out lines/line terminators, etc. If you are using a Wireless connection then switch to direct connection and test. The kid next door could be jacking your Wireless router.

    I see you called your ISP. Some problems cannot be found over the phone or by doing line ping/tracert tests from the ISP Support center and require that a field tech comes to your house and uses a line tester to find where the problem is occurring.

    faulty router – 40%
    line problem – 50%
    kid next door jacking wifi – 10%

    UPDATE: My lock out from my page was due to my hosting site placing my DNS in quarantine because I had to keep attempting to log in. The number of failures put me into an attempted “hacker” quarantine of sorts. It works now after a very bright tech support person figured it all out. They will be monitoring my situation.

    MEANWHILE: ISP checked out as healthy. Router healthy. Modem healthy. Passwords changed.

    Still getting the error message but have discovered that 90% of the time WP is not communicating with my host server and IS posting properly it just doesn’t catch it. PESKY! All 5 of my browsers are still choking on 324 Errors!

    Guess all we can do is wait.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Yep, hosts are doing some pretty drastic measures due to the Brute Force Login attacks that have been going on for quite a while now. Like I stated before we are blocking 280,000 Brute Force Login attempts on our websites per month with no sign of the attacks slowing down.

    Hi, I have this issue too

    but… I can access into wordpress backend using old-versions browser (eg: firefox 12) cause new versions doesnt work.

    some friends in another countries can access into my backend site (with browsers updated) without problems. Im looking for a solution in several forums with this topic but… I came here to share my experience, is anybody knows how to fix this, i will appreciate that.


    Plugin Author AITpro


    I believe that every possible cause for this problem has already been listed in this Thread.

    90% chance that this is a client-side problem: your computer, your router, your ISP, internet connection.

    10% chance that this is server-side.

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