• I will provide a quick explanation. Please let me know if you can provide any further feedback what I may be doing wrong.

    Current Setup:
    We have two web servers – For example, (staging/test server) and (production – live)

    Example Push & Error:
    [1] Pushing database tables from dev to live: –tables wp_commentmeta wp_comments
    [2] Database source: dev (dev_website) on
    [2] Database dest: live (live_website) on
    [3] RUN: /usr/bin/mysqldump –opt –verbose –host= -u root -p’*****’ dev_website –tables wp_commentmeta wp_comments | /usr/bin/mysql -D live_website -u root –host= -p’*****’
    ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)

    Step to Resolve:
    The only main change we made was to the firewall settings on the production server. Perhaps this is not setup correctly, we have a port to the database 3301 that is open. Do you have any feedback on this?


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