Hi @jmillerjmhmcom,
Facebook has made some changes recently, especially if there has been a recent password change, so please double check the following steps.
Make sure you are running the latest version of the Feed Them Social free plugin (currently 2.9.4).
*Please make sure you are not running any Facebook blocking extensions in your browser (like FB Container in Firefox for example).
1. In your personal FB account, go to settings > Business Integrations and click to *remove SlickRemix. Then return to WP, Feed Them > Facebook Options and click the banner/button and go through the prompts again. (*note: this will disconnect any of your other managed sites using FTS as well and will need to be reconnected and new shortcode generated for other sites).
2. Clear the FTS cache and manually clear any caching plugins you may have installed.
3. *please note, it must be a FB Business Page, it can not be a FB personal, group, event or community page.
(to clarify: our Feed Them Social plugin will only display a FB Business Page, however, to gain the proper FB access token, you must login through your personal FB account and have admin privileges for the FB Business Page).
4. Please double check that you have *admin privileges for that FB Business Page and that the other protocols have been met.
*One recent FB caveat, is that now FB requires that the FB Business Page owner (or admin privilege “grantee”) be “FB Friends” with whomever they are granting admin privileges to.
5. Another recent FB development, if you have added your website domain to Facebook Business Suite, be sure that third party developers are set to allowed.
6. When you go to Feed Them > Facebook Options and click the FB banner/button, make sure you are logging in through your personal FB account. Then, in the prompts, select ‘edit settings’, click the FB Page you need plus one more Page and continue through the prompts. Once you have been returned to WordPress, click the banner for your preferred listed FB Page and then click the ‘Save’ button that appears. You can then proceed to Feed Them > Settings to generate a new shortcode.
7. If you have completed the above steps and are still having the issue, then it is possible that another plugin or theme may be interfering.
Try deactivating all other plugins besides the Feed Them Social plugins temporarily. Then test to see if it works. If this works, try reactivating them, one by one, to see which one is causing the issue.
If deactivating all plugins doesn’t help the issue try switching themes to one of the default WordPress themes then look at the page (this can be done under the Appearance tab of your install). It’s possible the theme is causing errors.
Best regards,