• Maybe this only happens in 2.7, but I got an error using this theme to begin with. The error I got was on the blog and it said…

    Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference and then the url to the functions.php with line 412 referenced.

    I fixed it by replacing the code starting on line 408 that looks like this…

    // comment count
    	add_filter('get_comments_number', 'comment_count', 0);
    	function comment_count($count) {
    		global $id;
    		$comments_by_type = &separate_comments(get_comments('post_id=' . $id));
    		return count($comments_by_type['comment']);


    // comment count
    	add_filter('get_comments_number', 'comment_count', 0);
    	function comment_count( $commentcount ) {
    		global $id;
    		$_commnets = get_comments('post_id=' . $id);
    		$comments_by_type = &separate_comments($_commnets);
    		return count($comments_by_type['comment']);

    I pulled this code from one of the programmers other themes.

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