• Hello, I’m using 2 different languages ??on my website (English and Norwegian) and I’m using Polylang for this, I noticed recently, the form I use on my english and norwegian pages is the same, just the languages ??are different, but on my norwegian page, even though I filled out the form completely, “One or more fields have an error . Please check and try again.” I get the error, it works when I replace it with my very silly english form, but when I change the language it breaks back

    this is my english form

    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">Full Name*
    [text* your-name class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "John Doe"]</label></div>
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">E-mail address*
    [email* your-email class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "[email protected]"]</label></div>
    <label class="w-100">Write your message below*[textarea* your-message x4 class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "Your message*"] </label>
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">Subject*[select* menu-747 class:pixfort-select class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 include_blank "General" "Prices" "Treatments" "Hotel and Transfer" "Appointment" "Other"] </label></div>
    <div class="col-md-6">Enter your phone number<label class="w-100">[intl_tel intl_tel-170 initialCountry:gb preferredCountries:gb-us class:pixfort-select class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "533 444 33 22"]</label></div>
    <label class="w-100">If you have a picture or attachment, attach it.[mfile upload-file-731 limit:16000000 filetypes:jpeg|png|jpg min-file:1 max-file:10] </label>
    [submit class:btn class:btn-primary class:text-white class:w-100 class:pix-mt-10 class:font-weight-bold class:btn-lg class:secondary-font "Get a Free Quote]
    [recaptcha size:normal align:center]

    This is my Norwegian form

    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">Fullt navn*
    [text* your-name-1 class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "John Doe"]</label></div>
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">Epostadresse*
    [email* your-email-1 class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "[email protected]"]</label></div>
    <label class="w-100">Skriv meldingen din nedenfor*[textarea* your-message-1 x4 class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "Din beskjed"] </label>
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6"><label class="w-100">Emne*[select* menu-7471 class:pixfort-select class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 include_blank "Generell" "Priser" "Behandlinger" "Hotell og transport" "Avtale" "Annen"] </label></div>
    <div class="col-md-6">Skriv inn telefonnummeret ditt<label class="w-100">[intl_tel intl_tel-1701 initialCountry:gb preferredCountries:gb-us class:pixfort-select class:pix-my-5 class:form-control class:bg-gray-1 class:shadow-0 placeholder "533 444 33 22"]</label></div>
    <label class="w-100">Hvis du har et bilde eller vedlegg, legg det ved.[mfile upload-file-7311 limit:16000000 filetypes:jpeg|png|jpg min-file:1 max-file:10] </label>
    [submit class:btn class:btn-primary class:text-white class:w-100 class:pix-mt-10 class:font-weight-bold class:btn-lg class:secondary-font "F? et gratis tilbud]
    [recaptcha size:normal align:center]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I just filled in the Norwegian form and it worked with no errors, did you manage to fix the problem?

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