Hello @rosaria75
I am happy to help you today.
In regards to the error #120, it usually means that you need to log in to your eBay account and fill in some missing data, or ask eBay support why you see that message. This type of error is an error that comes directly from eBay pertaining to your account. So in a case like this it is best for you to contact eBay and ask them why this error is returned when you try to list an item. Most likely some type of data is missing from your account on eBay like providing a payment method for your eBay fees.
#21919456 is a warning, so it will not stop you from listing. This error is a general message from eBay that many eBay sellers see. You will see this message when you have applied and been approved for eBay’s business seller policies program. All users that are registered to use this service will be required to use policies for shipping, payments, and returns in the future (eBay has not given a date as to when that will be):
What are eBay Seller Profiles?
How to use eBay Shipping Profiles
You cannot hide this warning, but you can remove it by using policies for your payments, returns, and shipping options.
#21917236 is also a warning and is a common message sellers see as well. It simply tells you that Paypal will hold your funds for a period of time before dispersing them to you. This is normal for all newer paypal accounts that are not grandfathered into receiving the funds as soon as payment is made (which is how it used to be) (You cannot remove this warning)
The last warning is essentially the same as the warning above. It is letting you know that your Paypal account is limited in the sense that they will hold your money for x amount of days before releasing it to you to make sure the buyer is satisfied with their purchase before releasing funds to you. This is a standard procedure by Paypal. (You cannot remove this warning)
Kind regards,