• Resolved edurix


    on the website https://www.slickremix.com/docs/create-facebook-app-id-or-user-token/ it says:
    “An App Token is not required to use our plugin…”
    So, I want to show two FB-Feeds in two different text-widgets in my sidebar. One works, the other doesn’t. I don’t understand why…?!?
    The error which occurs is:
    “Error: (#12) singular statuses API is deprecated for versions v2.4 and higher
    Type: OAuthException
    Code: 12
    The shortcodes are identical except for the FB-ID (logical).
    What is my mistake?
    Best regards, edurix

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  • Plugin Author slickremix


    Thanks for contacting us. I would be glad to help out, can you please include these 3 things?

    1. The shortcode you are trying to use.
    2. An example link to the problem in question.
    3. The report from the System Info page of our plugin. Click here if you are unsure how to do this. https://www.slickremix.com/docs/system-info-page/


    Thread Starter edurix


    Hi Spencer,
    thank you very much for your quick response! ??
    Below the answers to your requests:

    1. The shortcode, which WORKS on my site is this:
    [fts_facebook id=125092500845027 posts=5 posts_displayed=page_only type=page]
    The shortcode, which DOESN’T WORK ist the following:
    [fts_facebook type=page id=1644294682309533 posts=3 posts_displayed=page_only]
    You can see that they are identical except the position of “type=page” and the FB ID and the number of posts.

    2. When you go to – be noted/watch out: My site is very slow… it takes some “seconds” to load, just be patienthttps://edurix.spica.uberspace.de/keinhut/blog/ then you can see in the right sidebar the last two text-widgets with first: “MJN on FB” (here it works) and right under it “MFB on FB” which doesn’t work. Instead of the posts, the error appears:”Error: (#12) singular statuses API is deprecated for versions v2.4 and higher
    Type: OAuthException
    Code: 12″

    3. ### Begin System Info ###

    SITE_URL: https://edurix.spica.uberspace.de/keinhut
    Feed Them Social Version: 2.2.7

    — WordPress Configuration:

    WordPress Version: 4.8.3
    Multisite: No
    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Active Theme: hueman-child 1.0
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled

    — Webserver Configuration:

    PHP Version: 5.6.32
    Web Server Info: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)

    — PHP Configuration:

    Safe Mode: No
    Upload Max Size: 64M
    Post Max Size: 64M
    Upload Max Filesize: 64M
    Time Limit: 0
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Allow URL File Open: On ()
    Display Erros: N/A

    — PHP Extensions:

    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL: Your server supports cURL.

    — Active Plugins:

    3D tag cloud: 3.4
    Admin Bar Disabler: 1.3
    amr shortcode any widget: 3.6
    Antispam Bee: 2.7.1
    BackUpWordPress: 3.6.4
    bbPress: 2.5.13
    Birthdays Widget: 1.7.18
    BP Simple Private: 1.4
    BP Xprofile Range Field Type: 1.2.1
    BuddyPress: 2.9.1
    BuddyPress Activity Plus: 1.6.4
    BuddyPress Docs: 1.9.4
    BuddyPress Edit Activity: 1.0.8
    BuddyPress Message Attachment: 2.1.1
    Child Themify: 1.2.0
    Contact Form 7: 4.9
    Contact Form 7 Honeypot: 1.10
    Display Widgets: 2.6.3
    Duplicator: 1.2.22
    Easy FancyBox: 1.6
    EGW Hover Effects: 2.1
    Email Address Encoder: 1.0.5
    Enhanced Media Library: 2.4.5
    Events Made Easy: 1.9.4
    Events Made Easy Frontend Submit: 1.0.26
    Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc): 2.2.7
    Frontend Publishing: 2.5.0
    GD bbPress Tools: 1.9
    Image Upload for BBPress: 1.1.14
    Meta Slider: 3.5.1
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: 2.5.11
    Print, PDF & Email by PrintFriendly: 3.12.4
    rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress: 4.4.3
    Search Everything: 8.1.9
    Server IP & Memory Usage Display: 2.0.3
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.10.2
    Sidebar Login: 2.7.3
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: 1.9.9
    Smooth Scroll Up: 1.2
    User Access Manager: 2.0.12
    User Role Editor: 4.35.3
    WP-Mail-SMTP: 0.10.1
    WP-Sweep: 1.0.10
    WP Category Tag Cloud: 1.7.1

    — Custom Token or Keys added to Options Pages
    — You must have a custom token to use the feeds

    Facebook App Token: No
    FB App ID for Like Button: No
    Twitter Consumer Key: No
    Twitter Secret: No
    Twitter Token: No
    Twitter Token Secret: No
    Pinterest Token: No
    Instagram: No
    YouTube: No

    — Offset Post Limit:

    Offset Facebook Post Limit: None
    Hide Notice on Front End: No

    — FaceBook & Twitter Date Format and Timezone

    Date Format: l, F jS, Y \a\t g:ia
    Timezone: Kwajalein

    — Fix Twitter Time:

    Fix: No

    — Disable Magnific CSS:

    Fix: No

    — Fix Internal Server Error:

    ### End System Info ###

    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards, edurix



    Go here and get an APP token instead of a access token. https://www.slickremix.com/docs/create-facebook-app-id-or-user-token/ Sometimes higher traffic will cause overate limits to facebook api. Or you can grab a new token using the button, then go to the Settings page, global options tab and set the feed to cache for longer. The default is 20 minutes but many that is overkill.

    Thread Starter edurix


    Hi Damon,
    thank you for your answer and your suggestion.
    My problem is, that I don’t have a FB-account to generate an APP token. The two Facebook pages I want to show on my page are from friendly institutes, not mine.
    So far, two different FB pages worked on my site with “Feed them social”, but yesterday I wanted to replace one by another and since then, only the “old one” but not the new one is shown …
    But it’s ok. I will see… if it won’t work (any day), I have to think about an own FB-account…
    Best regards, edurix



    You have to have a Facebook account to be able to be an admin of a fb page and in turn get a page token. Either way you need to create a Facebook account so you can at least make an APP ID if you do not want to be an admin for those FB pages.

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