• Resolved JacobALund


    I’m receiving this message on one of my websites when I try to enter it: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

    My site is https://www.bismv.dk

    The strange thing is that when I go to a sub-page such as https://www.bismv.dk/kontakt it works perfectly fine. Also, I can enter the control panel without problems.

    But I just can’t seem to be able to enter the site by it’s front-page. I’m not entirely sure when this issue started to happen, but it might have been in relation to the new version 4.4.1.

    Hope you can help!

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  • We got my site working again. not sure what my guy did..something about permalinks and a glitch in database migration when the latest update went through.

    Thread Starter JacobALund


    Great for you man. I wish you could describe how you’ve got it solved a little more detailed.

    I still don’t dare upgrading my site to v4.1.1. in fear of what will happen. The bug will most likely return.

    FWIW – I just discovered the same problem on my own site about an hour ago. Neither I nor tech support have discovered the problem and my front page is still down.

    Yup, can’t find a solution that doesn’t involve removing the static front page which isn’t ideal. Tried disabling all plug-ins and everything else i could find on forums and videos. This happened directly after the update. Unfortunately my backup from right before updating got corrupted somehow and I can’t revert to it!

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    Hi all,

    Sorry for the delay in followup here as we’re looking into what might be causing this.

    I’d like some more information (information is key as they say ?? ) if you wouldn’t mind.

    What kind of hosting do you use for your sites, and if it’s a shared host did you use a one click install button or set up WordPress your self from scratch?

    Also if you are on a shared host, would you mind sharing what host this is, and maybe even sharing the URL for your sites?

    On a brighter note, we’ve discovered a potential temporary workaround just so your sites are at least back up and running, if you change the permalink structure under Settings > Permalinks to the Simple option (the ?p=123) it seems to end the infinite loop for now, although not an ideal permanent solution as your URLs won’t be as pretty for now, it at least will keep your content available.

    If this temporary workaround doesn’t work, please do say as it might help us narrow down what is happening.

    Thread Starter JacobALund


    @marius (Clorith)

    The temporary workaround works for me too now as well. So far so good ??

    I’m using a host called Surftown: https://www.surftown.com/da/lp/new-control-panel/

    It is one of the most-used host here in Denmark. Moreover, I did use a click-and-install button to install my WordPress-site.

    You already know the URL of my site, but here it is again: https://bismv.dk

    Let me know if you need any more information in order to help. ??

    Hi! I own about 20 websites and I have the same problem on most of them. What I think may be a clue, is that all website with the error I was using Lockdown-WP-Admin plugin. But even disabling this plugin and/or all plugins, I still have the error when login into my websites.

    A temporary work around is once login, you go back on your frontpage. Then, you click on the Themes and not Dashboard and you get into the dashboard.

    This is weird, if you click on Dashboard, it gives the too many connection error.

    This issue is due to the WordPress 4.4.1 update for sure and some problem with maybe a previous plugin installation like Lockdown-wp-admin.

    All other websites that I never installed Lockdown-wp-admin seems to work fine….

    Ok, just found a website that I never installed Lockdown-wp-admin plugin that have the same too many connections issue. So it has nothing to do with that particular plugin.

    Thread Starter JacobALund


    I have 5 websites and only one of them has this issue. The only plugin that comes to my mind that this website has that they others don’t is iThemes Security.

    However, disabling it wont help.

    I have 2 sites
    and have the same error when trying to log in to either of these sites.

    However after logging in with the error, I opened the websites on separate tabs and have the wordpress toolbar as if I’m logged in.

    But if I try and access my wordpress dashboard via the site, I receive the error message again : This webpage has a redirect loop – ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

    Then I tried to access the site via the wordpress toolbar, but clicked on Menus from the dropdown (instead of dashboard) – and this has taken me into my wordpress admin area.

    Sorry for the long story, but hope it helps in finding a solution to this problem.

    Same problem for my site. I tried all the basic, disabling all plugins, etc and had no success. In fact, any page I configured for WordPress to use as a static home page gave the error “too many redirects”.

    After downgrading to 4.4.0 the problem went away.


    Modifying PERMALINKS to PLAIN works around the problem. But it doesn’t solve it.

    It’s definitly a update issue.

    Here is one of my websites with the issue:


    I’m hosting it on my reselling account on a shared server at ace-host.net.

    I’ve installed the website from scratch a few years ago and always kept all plugins and core updated.

    The temporary fix worked for me too on over 5 sites but it obviously strips us of the beauty and friendliness of WP links. Hope to see a fix soon.

    My site is nickelcitypixels.com

    It is shared and I installed from cpanel.

    Also, nickelcitypixels.com is an addon domain (but it seems everyone is having this issue addon or not).

    I restored the full site from a second to last backup and then restored the most recent database. I then used the permalink solution you suggested and the site is “functional.”

    Do you have any Redirection, SEO or Security plugins installed?

    Can you please deactivate them (not just rename the directory, deactivate them in the Plugins panel) and report back?

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