Thank you for your reply. The ePrivacy script works in the Vantage Theme which looks like this:
<?php do_action( ‘vantage_main_bottom’ ); ?>
</div><!– .full-container –>
</div><!– #main .site-main –>
<?php do_action( ‘vantage_after_main_container’ ); ?>
<?php do_action( ‘vantage_before_footer’ ); ?>
<?php get_template_part( ‘parts/footer’, apply_filters( ‘vantage_footer_type’, ” ) ); ?>
<?php do_action( ‘vantage_after_footer’ ); ?>
</div><!– #page-wrapper –>
<?php do_action(‘vantage_after_page_wrapper’) ?>
<script src=”https://www.dwin2.com/pub.119988.min.js”></script>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
But for the Customizr Theme is underneath the footer section therefore does not allow a visitor to choose an option This is the footer.php from my child theme of Customizr:
* The template for displaying the footer.
* @package Customizr
* @since Customizr 3.0
do_action( ‘__before_footer’ ); ?>
<!– FOOTER –>
<footer id=”footer” class=”<?php echo tc__f(‘tc_footer_classes’, ”) ?>”>
<?php do_action( ‘__footer’ ); // hook of footer widget and colophon?>
</div><!– //#tc-page-wrapper –>
do_action( ‘__after_page_wrap’ );
wp_footer(); //do not remove, used by the theme and many plugins
do_action( ‘__after_footer’ ); ?>
<script src=”https://www.dwin2.com/pub.119988.min.js”></script>
<?php do_action( ‘__after_body’ ); ?>
I appreciate your help with this.