• shadream99


    Hi, sorry i am new to CSS. I would like to know how best to customise the footer text for EPIC theme. Current footer.php text as follows. Thank you.


    <section class=”clear”></section>

    <!– Footer –>
    <footer id=”footer”>
    <section class=”footer-widgets-container”>
    <section class=”footer-widgets <?php echo ( is_active_sidebar( ‘footer-sidebar’ ) ) ? ‘widgets’ : ‘no-widgets’; ?>”>
    <?php sds_footer_sidebar(); // Footer (4 columns) ?>

    // Footer Navigation Area
    if( has_nav_menu( ‘footer_nav’ ) )
    wp_nav_menu( array(
    ‘theme_location’ => ‘footer_nav’,
    ‘container’ => false,
    ‘menu_class’ => ‘footer-nav menu’,
    ‘menu_id’ => ‘footer-nav’,
    ) );

    <section class=”copyright-area <?php echo ( is_active_sidebar( ‘copyright-area-sidebar’ ) ) ? ‘widgets’ : ‘no-widgets’; ?>”>
    <?php sds_copyright_area_sidebar(); ?>

    <p class=”copyright”>
    <?php sds_copyright( ‘Epic’ ); ?>

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

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