• Hi I have a little problem with a theme called ephoto. I do not really understand how I can get the images where they are on preview. I have tried to create a simple blog post with a picture but that dont work. When I create a blog post and upploading my picture that i want to have, it dosent show the picture no where, except it ju click on the blog text and then its all out of proportion. So I thought if someone had experience with this theme could help me.

    Ephoto theme:

    My Site:


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  • my problem with this theme was that the thumbnails weren’t showing up.

    i setup everything correctly. it ran the script and would generate the thumbnails. i could see them in the cache folder, but they wouldn’t appear on my site.

    i figured that it was my hosting. i was using that GoDaddy Free Hosting that puts an ad at the top of the page. that was the problem.

    i upgraded to a pay plan (to get rid of the ad) and it worked!

    if those of you who have problems with thumbnails not appearing and use GoDaddy Free Hosting on your site, upgrade or find another theme.

    The Problem as I see is in the “Thumbnail” Value Specified. Do not give the full URL.

    https://your-domain/blog/images/../image.jpg wont work.

    just give the Image with respect to the home directory. ( public_html)

    there is a file called timthumb.php in the home directory. Just give the image url with respect to that file.

    So if the WP installation is in your-domain/blog/

    then just give /folder/image.jpg

    That should solve it,

    heh, here you are for ephoto theme instructions on how to use it:


    you have there all you need to solve your problems corectly and by the book

    if something doesnt work it is only your fault after viewing the link ive gaved you. i have used ephoto theme and followed that link and everything was great.

    Hi all,

    Still having a problem with ePhoto theme ??
    I have followed all the instructions in that readme file and also the instructions posted here and still having a problem.
    Mt Thumbnails are working fine and I have created the Featured Articles category and added my posts to it. The thoumbnails show up in the Featured Photo’s section in the footer but nothing showing in the main carousel on the homepage.
    I have checked the file permissions on all the folders in question and as far as I can tell they are all 777.
    Anyone have any idea’s? really need to fix this and I know it’s only something simple.
    siet is https://www.bmcdphoto.com/testing/



    Hi all,
    I have also the most common problem.
    The lightbox image is working, but thumbnails in homepage: featured posts, rotator, footer, and inside the post are doesnt appearing…
    I followed the instructions on eleganttheme readme, and iam reading forum posts since long hours..
    I have cache dir with 777 permissions, i try to put my photos in my site root, our inside ephoto theme images dir, inside uploads. i filled the field name: “thumbnail”.
    The decoded files are appearing in my cache dir. About me pic also doesnt appearing…
    Whats the problem? :S
    Please somebody help me! ??

    My site

    I also have same problem. Ive upload the images in folder photo : eg –
    but it dont appeare, have to click the tumbnail. Anybody can help?

    p/s : only setup the blog today ??

    Hi All,

    Simple Solution:
    Here’s what I did to display images for Feature Articles

    at the back end

    Click Editor > Open the filename(featured.php)> Look for:

    <li style=”background-image: url(<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $thumb; ?>&h=364&w=655&zc=1&q=60);”>

    Change to:

    <li style=”background-image: url(<?php echo $thumb; ?>);”>

    hello at all

    i like to deactivate the “read more >>” button in the tumbnails!
    like this user here:

    how can i do that?

    i don’t need the “read more >>” button and also don’t need the article site, i also deactivated the rating stuff.

    i want only the lightbox pop up and the featured photos on the top.
    also i don’t need the rating stuff.

    thanks a lot!

    How do I make the Page Navi work on the home.php ?

    @selcyis i tried all the things as you said yet i failed, any idea where i am going wrong? cache folder to “777”, all the plugin are activated and even the croped images shows in the cache directory but doest appear on the website. by the way i am using godaddy free hosting account, hope that doesnt make any difference. ??
    My site: kuwaitlens.com


    i have same problems as last post said too.
    please any body help.

    I have a question i have everything worked and set up my categories but when i wanna see the pictures of my categorie lightbox shows all my photos is there a way to show only my categorie photos in lightbox i have search the internet about it but can’t find the solution.

    When I try to upload photos to a page using the regular text box, it will show up in the box, but on the website will appear as a gray box with lines going through it. how do i fix it?

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