• Hi I have a little problem with a theme called ephoto. I do not really understand how I can get the images where they are on preview. I have tried to create a simple blog post with a picture but that dont work. When I create a blog post and upploading my picture that i want to have, it dosent show the picture no where, except it ju click on the blog text and then its all out of proportion. So I thought if someone had experience with this theme could help me.

    Ephoto theme:

    My Site:


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  • Look in the theme options or nav page settings to change how many to post on a page. This is a very easy fix. It there!!!!

    I want, in stead of that blue button to browse categories, for those buttons to appear like the page buttons…
    Do you understand?

    Find the dierctory of the button or look in the theme folder for the syle.css and replace the blue btn url to the nav btn.

    Or replace the img with desired btn img.

    Hi selcyis,
    thanks for your comment, however I cannot find the specific setting. Do you think you could be a bit more specific?

    Email me. Go to theaub.com and contact me, we will go from there.

    I was trying to say that if you can make the categories to be exactly like the page link buttons, all the categories to appear next to the page id buttons.

    I have another problem. I am trying to embed video into the posts. The Read me says to create a custom field called Video and then put the embed code in the value but this is not working. Also, how can I make the Thumbnails only show up in the little boxes and then when you go to the page they aren’t at the top in that box. https://www.merrillbarr.com

    Isn’t there someone that tried to change the location of the categories, making them to appear like the page link buttons ?

    No one has any clue for the video problem?


    I am having a problem getting images to show on our site. I have cached the folder, added the Featured Article cat and added the custom fields, we also hosted the images on our own domain, however the images still do not seem to show on the home page, they are clickable but do not show.

    Please could you take a look at let me know what you think is wrong.

    If it is easier you can email me @ [email protected]

    Kind Regards,

    Sean Halse

    Hi, I have the same problem as others above except that the thumbnails don’t appear in Firefox and google chrome, but the odd part is that they appear in IE.
    Appreciate any help. thanks.

    oh by the way, here’s my website emzdhr.com

    Has anyone figured out how to change the 10 post layout on the category page on ePhoto? As neslot007 said, it was rather silly for the designer to choose 10 in this four-column setup…8 or 12 would have been much better.
    I’m sure there’s somewhere I can change this, but I don’t think it’s in the built in settings panels in the admin area. Anyone know where that code is in the theme files?


    Also, is there an easier way to display the photos on the site than to just make hundreds of posts with “Thumbnail” fields? I have all the photos in my Library, can I just display them in a Category somehow? I’m a photographer, and I would really just like to use this as a way to let my clients view their photos.
    Any tips would be appreciated!

    in ePhoto, what the link I should place on the BLOG button so every time someone clicks on it, the person goes to the last pos I wrote? (I have several categories).

    I have these fields to fill:
    “Input URL to Blog Category”
    “Input Blog Category ID”

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